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My name is Ron Moreland and I live in USA.  I am somewhat new to Ireland Reaching Out.  I am looking for my ancestors through my mother's mother.  Her maiden name was Hiilan (Elizabeth Ann).  Her father's name was Denis Hillan, his father was Daniel Hillan, his father being Michael Hillan.

If anyone can help me with finding information about this branch of my tree, I would be very thankful.  I have much more to write, but perhaps it will be for a later time.




Saturday 2nd Dec 2017, 04:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Denis Hillen was born 15.11.1879 in Moneyscalp. His parents were Daniel Hillen and Elizabeth Cuningham. See:

    Sibling Michael born 1867:

    Family in 1901 census:

    Another Hillan family in the same townland who may well be related:

    Your family in 1911. Note they had 10 children but only 4 were still alive. They married c 1870:

    Nearby family:

    Probate abstracts from the PRONI wills site:

    Hillan Bernard of Moneyscalp county Down farmer died 19 November 1927 Probate Belfast 23 January to Matthew Murray and John Grant farmers. Effects £76 15s.

    Hillan Michael of Moneyscalp county Down farmer died 28 July 1931 at Longview Texas U.S.A. Administration Belfast 16 May to Teresa Brannigan married woman. Effects £2.

    Hillan Susan of Moneyscalp Bryansford county Down spinster died 13 December 1954 Probate Belfast 14 November to James Hillen labourer and Teresa Brannigan married woman. Effects £1604 9s. 7d.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 2nd Dec 2017, 10:36PM
  • Thank you for this information.  I have another request.  Denis' wife was a Margaret Savage.  I haven't been able to find a birth record for her.  She was born in Down, Ireland and dies in Montana, USA.  Please give me as much information as you can find for her.


    Thank you,



    Sunday 3rd Dec 2017, 06:18PM
  • Ron,

    You haven’t given me much to go on there. No year of birth or parents names. Looking at the 1901 census for Ireland there were 78 women named Margaret Savage, 38 of whom were born in Co. Down. So to be certain that I have the right one, I need her parents names (from say a marriage or death certificate) and her approximate year of birth.

    Did Denis & Margaret marry in the US, because I don’t see a marriage for them in Ireland? Did they meet in the USA or did they know each other in Ireland?

    I do see a Maggie Savage living beside the Hill family in Moneyscalp, but as I say without more information I have no way of knowing for certain whether that’s the same girl Denis married.

    Her parents were Francis Savage & Teresa Quinn. She had left Moneyscalp by 1911:

    She was born 3rd April 1887 at Moneyscalp. According to the 1911 census, she was one of 14 children, 10 of whom were alive in 1911.

    Probate abstracts from the PRONI wills site. This first one clearly relates to the family I have identified:

    Probate of the Will of Francis Savage late of Moneyscalp County Down Farmer who died 20 August 1913 granted at Belfast to Hugh McCartan and William Murnin Farmers

    These others also lived nearby but you would need to do a bit fo research on them to find out if and how they are conncted:

    The Will of John Savage late of Moneyscalp County Down Farmer deceased who died 29 April 1882 at same place was proved at Belfast by William M'Anulty of Burren and Edward M'Cartan of Moneyscalp both in said County Farmers the Executors.

    The above will is on-line on the PRONI wills site.

    Administration (with the Will) of the personal estate of Michael Savage late of Moneyscalp County Down Farmer who died 20 January 1900 granted at Belfast to Patrick Savage Farmer.

    The above will is on-line.

    Administration of the Estate of Patrick Savage late of Moneyscalp County Down Farmer who died 1 May 1904 granted at Belfast to John Savage Farmer.

    Administration of the Estate of Henry Savage late of Moneyscalp County Down Farmer who died 5 March 1911 granted at Belfast to Margaret Savage the Widow.

    Probate of the Will of Margaret Savage late of Moneyscalp County Down Widow who died 16 October 1913 granted at Belfast to Susan Mullan Spinster

    Savage John of Moneyscalp county Down labourer died 15 March 1933 at Mourne District Hospital Kilkeel Probate Belfast 24 April to John Savage and John McCusker farmers. Effects £187 12s. 6d.

    Two of the wills are on-line. For the rest you would either need to pay PRONI to copy them, or get someone to go to PRONI to do that for you.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 3rd Dec 2017, 08:47PM
  • I am sorry Elwyn for not giving you much to go on.  Let me see if this will help.  The Margaret Savage I am looking for was born December 25, 1891 or 93 in Down, Ireland.  She died in 1959 in Montana.  She married Denis in Park City, UT in 1908.  I don't know if Denis and Margaret knew each other in Ireland but I believe they did.  Margaret's parents are Henry or Harry Savage and Ann McMullen.  Margaret is one of the relatives I am having a hard time tracing back.  I would like to know if I have the parent's name correct.  I think the father's name may be wrong but Margaret's mother's name I believe is correct.  If possible, how far back does her line go if you have access to this information.

    Again, my apologies for not giving enough information.  



    Monday 4th Dec 2017, 09:13PM
  • Ron,

    No female Savage was born in what is now Northern Ireland on 25th December 1891 or 1893. (If the 1893 date was right, she would have been 14 when she got married in UT in 1908, so that surely isn’t right). And even 16 is pretty young to marry. I suspect she must have been older. So I widened the search. Your lady appears to have been born on 27.12.1882 in Goward. Her father Henry was away in England at the time.

    Her correct date of birth makes her 24 when she married in 1908 which is a bit more like it. Here’s the family in 1901:


    They had 9 children, 6 of whom were alive in 1911.  Henry died 4.1.1916:

    This looks to be his probate abstract, from the PRONI wills site: He died intestate.

    Savage Henry of Ballynanny Hilltown county Down farmer died 6 January 1916 Administration Belfast 24 January to Ann Savage the widow. Effects 10s.

    Henry & Ann married on 22.9.1875:


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 5th Dec 2017, 09:54PM

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