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Daniel O'Hare


Birth 22 aug 1809 in Ballyagholy, Kilbroney Parish, Ireland


Connection to this family wanted please.Any information from living relatives.

Tuesday 10th Nov 2015, 04:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Josephine

    I notice you haven't had any responses to your post.

    I had a look for O'Hares in Kilbroney in the Irish phone book but theere were none listed. However when I tried Rostrevor there were a couple listed. I am not permitted to give you their details but if you google the Irish phone book and get the 11850 site ( & search for O'Hare in Rostrevor you'll find them; it might be worth dropping them a line with your O'Hare connection details.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 11th Nov 2015, 10:22PM
  • Many thanks for that. Will give it a go.

    Thursday 12th Nov 2015, 03:07PM
  • Hello Josephine,

    I am new to Ireland XO, but I am descended from Ann O'HARE and Daniel CRILLY, who were both born in Kilbroney (Down).

    I believe Ann is Daniel O'HARE's sister.

    My research shows that they all moved to Liverpool, England.

    I would be very interested in sharing information with you.

    Kind regards,

    Sue (Sydney, Australia)


    Tuesday 15th Feb 2022, 09:03AM
  • Dear Cousin Josephine Mary,

    First, Daniel was born in 1809, as was my great great grandfather, Bernard O'Hare. Therefore, I would assume they were related, but not siblings. Although he was from Derrylechagh, I have Bernard's bans of matrimony published in Kilbroney, which is part of Rostrevor. My guess was that Anna McBride was from there. Alas, I met another member of the O'Hare clan here in New York City, who was born and raised in Rostrevor. Thus, I'm confused by SydneySue' research that "they all moved to Liverpool". The region around Newry is peppered with O'Hares. My lineage is concentrated around Ballyholland Lower. At any rate, it's all within a reasonable ride, if not walking distance. If you have any sort of tree, I'd love a peek. I'd send you mine via gerardohare007 at sign gma il d0t c0m.  Slan. gerard

    Monday 27th Feb 2023, 03:33PM

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