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Irish Dry Stone Wall  Association members are coming to Amherst Island, Ontario in Sept. 2015 to conduct workshops during our Stone Wall Festival. Many of the walls were built c1840 by an Irish immigrant to Amherst Island, a stone mason named John Crow(e). The Irish on our Island came from the Ards Peninsula in Co. Down and we are assuming John Crowe did as well.

We are interested in finding out more about our stone mason. Any info regarding, his birth date, his parish of birth, his marriage to Honora Heurahan, the birth of son Michael would be wonderful. Thank you for any assistance...Joyce a Brown

Friday 24th Apr 2015, 06:41AM

Message Board Replies

  • Joyce,

    Can?t find anything on this couple on rootsireland. Without a specific parish to search in can be tricky. You don't say what denomination John was. If he was RC, there?s 5 RC parishes in the Ards peninsula. One of the snags you will face is that they don?t all have records that go back far enough ie to the time of John?s marriage or baptism. If he was another denomination, then there dozens of sets of records for that area to go through. Not all are on-line.

    The name Crow(e) is common enough in Co Down. Not sure about his wife?s name Heurahan. That?s not a name readily found in the area. It might not be exactly correct. Could be Hourahan. However that?s unknown in Down and not very common in Ireland generally. It?s really only found in Dublin in Cork. Perhaps John travelled with his work and met his wife in Dublin or Cork?

    There?s some Crowes on this Co Down site but none that leaps out as being a stonemason?s family.



    Ahoghill Antrim

    Friday 24th Apr 2015, 08:39AM
  • Thank you...John Crowe was RC according to Canadian census. Will start looking at different spelling of wife's name. Cannot find their burial place, definitely, not on Island. Son immigrated to Buffalo, New York. So starting to search there. Most of the Irish came to Amherst Island from Ballyhalbert, Ballywalter (my family). They were tenant farmers. Love this treasure hunt!...thanks again for your reply.

    Friday 24th Apr 2015, 12:13PM
  • Hi

    The Crowe name comes from Clare,Limerick and Tipperary border. Mostly Clare.
    I am a Crowe and my relations in Clare are a stone mason family and my brother also does stone work. The Crowe Stonemasons carried out a lot of the stone work in Dublin on the four courts and other old building on the quays.

    Thursday 7th Mar 2019, 08:46PM

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