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My maternal parents, William and Elspeth Tate lived at 105 Ravenhill Rd., Belfast C.B.

when my mother, Ruby Mildred Tate was born on May 27, 1923.  William Tate is recorded

on my mother's birth certificate No. 7016 as a Sergeant with the R.U.A.C.  The birth was

registered in the District of Belfast Urban No. XI in the Superintendent Registrar's District

of Belfast in the County of Down.  In spite of having the above info, I cannot seem to get

anything further on either Wm. Tate or Elspeth (Conway) Tate.  Don't know the Parish either.

Any help with information on my Grandparents would be appreciated. 

Thursday 24th Jul 2014, 01:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Moureen

    There is a marriage record of William Tate to a Conway in Antrim 1923 on

    It costs to biew the record but will have the parish and MAYBE the parents' names.

    There are also 7 birth/baptism records for William Tate in Antrim 1900 + - 10 yeas

    I couldn't find Elspeth anywhere I'm afraid - not on or



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 24th Jul 2014, 05:11AM
  • The Tate/Conway marriage is also showing on the GRONI civil records - date of marriage 22nd September 1922, registration district Newtownabbey. In addition to the basic details such as names and residences of the bride & groom, a  civil cert from GRONI would show father's names and occupations

    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 24th Jul 2014, 08:11AM

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