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I'm looking for info on Catherine Fitzpatrick family (father Bernard) married John McLaughlin circa 21st Sept 1923 - Catherine died 6th April 1964 (widow) aged 80yo at Drumhork, Gilford (Banbridge?), with niece Mary B Fitzpatrick present (55 Newry Street, Banbridge). I'm can't find John's death cert (b: 10th Sept 1975 - Glasgow) - and I'm hoping this leads to where the family left back in 1855 to Glasgow. 




Wednesday 16th Mar 2016, 06:30PM

Message Board Replies

  • Catherine Fitzpatrick’s marriage was registered in Banbridge on 21st November 1923. You can view the original certificate on-line on the GRONI website, using the “search registrations” option:

    You will need to open an account and buy some credits. It costs £2 (sterling) to a view a certificate. That certificate should give you information to trace the families back eg the family townland.

    Here’s a family in the 1901 census that might be Catherine’s (Ballyvarley is within Banbridge registration area) but you need to get that marriage cert to investigate further:


    Probate extract from PRONI wills site:

    Probate of the Will of Bernard Fitzpatrick late of Ballyvarley County Down Farmer who died 28 August 1914 granted at Belfast to Catherine Fitzpatrick the Widow Patrick Fitzpatrick Farmer and Patrick Digney Farmer.

    The will itself is in PRONI in paper format.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 18th Mar 2016, 10:09PM
  • Attached Files

    Hi - This was great info Elwyn - any record of John McLaughlin's death ? Still baffled as to John, who (mentioned in a US Army letter of 1921), stayed in Glasgow (since pre 1890) moved out to Banbridge aged 46ish - unless this is where his parents  father John McLaughlin (John and Susan Gallacher) and/or mother Catherine Connolly (James and Catherine Connor) came from in 1854/55 ?? Banbridge Pic shows L-R, John, Lizzie(his sister visiting from Glasgow), wife Catherine, neice Mary B (girl),Joe (Lizzie's son) 1952 - ps - Lizzie is my gran. Regards


    Wednesday 20th Apr 2016, 03:56PM
  • Sorry can't help with the death. We searched for this previously didn't we, on another post?

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 21st Apr 2016, 06:34PM

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