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According to the IGIs PATRICK DRAKE and ELLEN CRAWFORD married in Downpatrick in 1853.  The bride's parents were named as JOHN CRAWFORD and MARGARET STRAIN and they too married in Downpatrick in 1833.  Ellen Crawford was born that year too.  On the IGI no parents names were given for Patrick Drake.


Shortly after they married Patrick and Ellen Drake emigrated to England (Whitehaven in Cumberland) where their first child was born at the end of 1853 (confirmed by birth certificate).  Some time later they moved to County Durham where they lived for many years before emigrating to Canada/America.  When Patrick (by now known as Peter) died in 1909 his date of birth was given as 1826 and his father's name as Patrick, but there was no clue as to his actual place of birth.


If at all possible I'd very much like to find out the names of  Patrick Drake's parents and if he and Ellen Crawford had siblings.  The icing on the cake would be the names of the places in Downpatrick where they lived and anything else that may come to light.


Can someone help me PLEASE!  Thank you.



Friday 29th Nov 2013, 04:49PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kathleen

    Not sure if it's relevant but the only baptism/birth record on for Patrick Drake born around 1826 is Cork 1827 (father's name not Patrick though).

    There is a record of the baptism of Ellen Crawford 1833 in Antrim; however the parents' names weren't John & Margaret

    The marriage of Patrick Drake & Ellen Crawford in 1853 in Down is there but Ellen's parents' marriage isn't.





    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 29th Nov 2013, 10:11PM
  • I would suggest searching the Griffiths valuation for the Drake family. The Lecale history web site is very informative and easy to navigate. Check out Coniamstown under Bright Parish, lots of Drakes there.


    Sunday 1st Dec 2013, 11:53PM

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