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Hello all,

My grandmother, Eleanor O'Neill Allison, gave me some information about her father and grandfather prior to her passing.  I'd like to continue the search.  Her father's name was Samuel P. O'Neill, born in the US.  Her grandfather's name was William Boyd O'Neill, born in Donaghadee.  She thought Donaghadee was in County Cork.  But, when I visited Cobh I learned that many Americans make the mistake of thinking their Irish ancestors were from Cork because they emigrated out of Cobh.  After I returned to the States, I finally tracked down Donaghadee in County Down, which makes much more sense to me.  Her family was Presbyterian, the O'Neills' ancestral home was Ulster, etc.  She did tell me that her grandfather waited until his siblings were married/employed before emigrating, bringing along his two clydesdale horses, and settling in the state of Illinois in or around the late 1880s.  But, this is where our trail has ended.  If anyone has any leads on his parents/siblings, I'd appreciate the help!

As an aside, I understand that the Ards Peninsula is a bastion of hurling in Northern Ireland.  My husband and I play hurling/camogie here in Virginia.  In fact, we started our local club when we moved to the area.  I am very much looking forward to visiting Donaghadee some day!


Rebecca Allison Norman

Tuesday 11th Aug 2015, 12:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Rebecca:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Civil registration of births started in 1864 and it appears from your message that William was likely born pre-1864. Prior to that date you have to rely on church records. Roots Ireland does not appear to have Donaghadee Presbyterian church records in their data base. Below is a link to Donaghadee church info. I would e-mail the First Presbyterian church and see if they can assist with records for your family.

    I live in Maryland and one of my grandmother's was from Co. Down. She emigrated to Philadelphia.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Aug 2015, 05:23PM
  • Thank you for the information, Roger.  I do appreciate it.


    Tuesday 15th Sep 2015, 01:21PM

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