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Page 62 of a book entitled Bangor Abbey Graveyard states:- FRANCIS (In a low railed enclosure). Erected by John Francis, Bangor, in memory of his beloved mother Margaret Francis who died 18th June 1832 aged 42 years. Also his beloved son, John Francis who died 9th April 1858 aged 12 months. Also his beloved father Andrew Francis who died 29th May 1859 aged 72 years. Also his beloved daughter Mary Ann Francis who died 6th November 1866 aged 5 years. Also the above named John Francis, master mariner, who died 1st September 1896 aged 73 years. Also his wife Jane Francis, who died 12th June 1902 aged 76 years. Also his son Andrew who died 13th March 1939 aged 72 years. (Inscription on the back) This stone claims 6 graves to the south................    I visited Bangor in 2009 and attempted to find this grave but without any luck. Does anyone have any idea where it is in the graveyard, are there any photographs or is anyone related to these people. John Francis was my 3rd great grandfather. Thanks, Andy Eccles

Saturday 11th May 2013, 04:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Andy,

    Thank you for your message. I hope that someone from the area is able to assist you. In the meantime you could try contacting the local parish priest for possible assistance. Here is a link to their contact page:

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,    

    Genealogy Support




    Monday 17th Jun 2013, 11:13AM
  • Thanks Emma, will give it a go.

    Monday 17th Jun 2013, 11:00PM

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