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I'm in process of trying to determine the parents of both my 3rd ggrandparents, Hugh b. 1813 and Mary b. 1818 (Love) Coulter.  They were married at the Church of Ireland, Donegal Parish in 1836. Their first child Christina (Criscy) was born in 1838. According to Christina's obituary, Hugh, Mary and Christina emigrated (between 1840-1845) to Ontario, Canada and settled in Manvers, Durham, Ontario.  Hugh and Mary's second child, William, according to his death record was born in Montreal, Quebec. Which sounds like he may have been born on the way or shortly after arriving in Canada.  One census record indicates that both Christina and William were born in Ireland.  All other records for William show him being born in Canada.  Hugh and Mary had eight more children as follows:
    Hugh 1847-1929
    Mary Ann 1848-1975
    John Wesley 1848-1923 (2nd ggrandfather)
    Robert 1849
    Catherine 1853
    Eliza 1857
    Samuel 1858
    James 1859

I have a hunch that Hugh's father was William per the Tithe Applotments as he was living in the same townland (Doonan) as Hugh was at the time of his marriage. Not to mention, Hugh's first son is named "William". I have no clues on his mother.

On Hugh and Mary's transcribed marriage record, there are two names as witnesses, John McCormick and Alex Fawcett.  Both names show up on the Griffiths Valuations. Perhaps they are cousins???

If anyone can assist it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Charles Coulter




Thursday 5th Sep 2013, 09:40AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello again,

    Does anyone have access to the book "Killymard: Ancient and Modern"?  Or know if the rootsweb project is a summary/extraction of the book?…

    I'm mainly wondering if the book contains more information than the web project above.  I found a review of the book and it mentions the "Fawcett" family which has peaked my curiosity further.

    Any insight is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Charles W. Coulter



    Thursday 12th Sep 2013, 12:14AM
  • "Birth's/Baptisms from 1844-1880"

    4/5/1846 Catherine Jane Fawcett, d/o Rae &Catherine Fawcett

    30/5/1848 Lucinda Fawcett, d/o Arthur & Elizabeth Facett

    7/7/1850 Elizabeth Fawcett, d/o Arthur & Elizabeth Fawcett

    10/1852 Rebecca Fawcett

    7/10/1871 Andy Fawcett

    1/7/1873 Joseph Fawcett. Born 9/2/1873

    In the 1841/51


    Fawcett. John 57, Mary 55. Married 1812. George 27, John 17. [Went to Melbourne] Fanny 15 [Boston] Arthur Coulter 40 [son-in-law] Sarah Coulter 21.  Married 1838  William 2 Alexander 1 month Boston, Rosborough + James 1, Alexander [son] died in 1835 of consumption.  In 1851, Jane, Mary and George.  George 53 Mary in America, Dorchester, Boston


    Hope that's paydirt?


    Saturday 5th Sep 2015, 11:20PM

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