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I am looking for any information/varification/connections of my ancestors. I have traced my GG Grandparents, William Coulter, son of Andrew Coulter and Mary Scott, and Catherine Kilpatrick daughter of George Kilpatrick, from their marriage record in Inver, Donegal, Ireland, 24 Feb 1857. Together they had atleast 8 children; Ellen, Mary, Margaret, Andrew, George #1 baptism  28 Sep 1867 in 37 Dunkineely Donegal, and George #2 in 1868 Dunkinnely (#1 must have died), and Richard Scott b. 1872 and William b. 1874 the latter two  born in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. The family members born in Ireland arrived  in New York City, USA  via Liverpool August 8, 1870 and were living in Indianapolis by late 1870.

William is the older brother to John and Richard S Coulter who also ended up in Indiana, and a sister with the married name of Ellingham (US spelling) that was living in New York City in 1899. I think there was a 4th brother Andrew who shows up in the Donegal 1901 and 1910  census before he moved to New York City in the 1920s.

In the Tithe Applotment Book for the Parish of Inver, 1825, I have found an Andrew Coulter and William Coulter in Munterneese with Widow Scott, Richard Coulter, and widow Coulter on the same townland record. In Griffiths Valuation 1857 there is a record for Andrew Coulter and a Robert Coulter Sen. in Parish of Inver.

Saturday 7th Feb 2015, 04:54AM

Message Board Replies

  • The couple married before the start of statutory birth registration in Ireland (1864) and so you won?t find a birth certificate for any children born before that. For that you need to rely on church records, where they still exist. You don?t say what denomination your family were but I?d guess Church of Ireland, based on Andrew?s denomination in the 1901 census.

    Dunkineely is in the parish of Killaghtee. They have the following early records:

    Baptisms, 1810-31; marriages, 1814-31; burials, 1819- 22; marriage banns, 1809-14.

    Then there?s nothing till 1873. (The missing records were probably destroyed in the 1922 fire in Dublin).

    To analyse whether there?s any connection with the family you have found in Griffiths, we need to know what Andrew Coulter?s occupation was on his son?s marriage certificate? Was he a farmer? If he was, then you might expect to find him in Griffiths and the tithes. However if he was a weaver or labourer, or someone in a trade where you wouldn?t have any land, then he won?t normally be listed. Also what were the couple?s townlands on the 1857 certificate? (I can see that the children were born in Dunkineely but is that also both their addresses in 1857?)

    Note that in Ireland Kilpatrick and Kirkpatrick are the same name and interchangeable. I do see a couple of Kirkpatrick households in Griffiths for Dunkineely.

    There?s a couple of deaths in the area that might relate to your family. You might want to order copies to see if they shed any information:

    Andrew Coulter registered Donegal town, died July ? Sept 1890, est year of birth 1805. Also sane name died Jan-Mar 1888, est year of birth 1795. And 2 Mary Coulters, again registered Donegal town,  died 1875 born 1809, and died Oct ? Dec 1892 born 1800.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 7th Feb 2015, 09:00AM
  • Thank you for your quick response. Yes, the Coulter's denomination was the Church of England.

    Andrew Coulter's occupation was not listed on the marriage record I found on of William and Catherine nor their address except for Inver, Donegal. My gg grandfather was a farmer in Indiana, so I am guessing his father was too.

    In the 1911 Census of Ireland Inver, Fanaghans, a Richard Coulter was listed as having a grocery shop. My gg uncle in Indiana also had a grocery store. In the same listing all in a row are the Allinghams (my gg aunt's married name) followed by Andrew Coulter, and James Underwood. Andrew Underwood from Inver, Donegal (named as his place of birth on his passport) was my great uncle's witness of his will in Indiana.

    In the 1901 census in Fanaghans Lower, Andrew Coulter, born in 1841, whom I am assuming is a brother of William. Four of Andrew's five children have the same names as William's children.  Andrew's 5th child's middle name is Scott, the same as one of William's children, which is also the maiden name of William's mother.

    I am guessing that the Andrew Coulter born in 1805 is more likely to be the father, and Mary 1805 the mother of William b. abt 1832, Andrew 1841, John b. abt 1842, and Richard b. abt. 1843.


    Sunday 8th Feb 2015, 01:37AM
  • Some of the on-line sites only have transcripts of some of the information on the original certificates. It?s probably worth your while getting a copy of that 1857 marriage certificate as it should contain additional information eg addresses and occupations. You might also juts like to have it.

    The marriage was registered in Donegal Town in 1857 Volume 4, page 595.

    You can order a photocopy of the certificate from GRO Roscommon for ?4.

    You have to download and print off the form. Then either post or fax it back to them. You can?t e-mail it to them. However if you want them to e-mail the cert to back to you, they will do that, so tick the relevant box.

    Put the reference details on the form (anywhere). Don?t worry about leaving some boxes blank. As long as GRO have the location, name(s), year, quarter (where there is one), volume and page number they should find it.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 8th Feb 2015, 10:42AM
  • My ancestors from Inver, Donegal include a Margaret Kilpatrick who married Andrew Allingham on June 16, 1816 in Inver parish. Do you think perhaps we are connected?  

    Saturday 8th Jul 2017, 12:51PM
  • send me an email mackeye:


    Friday 30th Mar 2018, 06:04PM
  • new email contact:


    Monday 23rd Apr 2018, 08:45PM

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