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I am searching for information on James Patton who was born about 1826. He had a brother Thomas and his father was named Thomas as well.  Perhaps he is my great-great grandfather.  I am told (and through some research, have determined) that my great grandfather, Thomas James Patton was born on December 27, 1844 in County Donegal (perhaps in Ballyshannon).  I understand that his father was James Patton and his mother was Anne Patton (nee Flood).  The date of birth of James (shown above) is consistent with the birth of Thomas James (perhaps his son) in 1844.

I am also searching for his wife who's maiden name was Anne Jane Keys. I am told she is also from County Donegal.  Her birthdate is April 14, 1854.  Her parents were possibly George Keys and Jane Keys.  I have limited information on her.

Both migrated to the USA in 1868 (Thomas) and 1870 (Anne Jane) met in the USA, married in 1882 and started a family in Philadelphia, PA

My name is Thomas George Patton.  Any help/direction would be most appreciated

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Thursday 10th Sep 2015, 08:22PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Tom

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    You have already amassed a good deal of information which is quite difficult given the early period of your search but it would be great to find out more about James. I couldn't find a baptism for children of Ann and James or their marriage record. You could have a look at (a subscription site) to see if you could locate any further information about George and Jane, but given the early period this is not very likely.

    Do you think you have exhausted all of the sources your side, including death records and obituaries?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 14th Oct 2015, 09:19AM

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