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I am researching the Cunningham, Robinson & McNutt families (Presbyterian) from Elaghbeg, Burt and surrounding areas in the 1800’s (or before).

I have found a lot of great info at the usual places (irishgenealogy, rootsireland, British newspapers, John Gresham) and one amazing pdf of transcribed baptisms 1834-1878 direct from the Burt Presbyterian Church website.

The church website also said marriages had been transcribed, but there wasn’t a link to that PDF.
Would anyone have a contact at the church or access to the PDF of transcribed marriages?

Would anyone have any other thoughts or suggestions on where else in the Burt region that i could research online? (i'm in New Zealand)

I’m specifically trying to find a link between George Cunningham c1814-1861 (assumed son of Elaghbeg farmer George Cunningham (1786-1851) & Elizabeth McNutt) and an unknown female Robinson.

George and Ms Robinson had a daughter c1848-1852 and then Ms Robinson potentially passed away.
George remarried Martha Miller in 1853. He was a spirit dealer/publlican.

I’m also researching sideways so info on other children of George & Elizabeth or any Robinson families is also of interest.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received!


Thursday 20th Jun 2024, 08:40PM

Message Board Replies

  • Jo:

    Civil registration of non-Catholic marriages started in 1845. I located a December 1853 marriage of George Cunningham to Martha Millar, See link.

    The record showed that George was a widower, however, I did not find a prior marriage record from 1845-1852,

    Civil registration of births started in 1864. I did not find a baptismal record for a child of George and a wife with surname Robinson on the subscription site Roots Ireland. They have records for many Presbyterian parishes but apparently not the one where the baptism occurred.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 20th Jun 2024, 11:37PM
  • Jo

    The site below has links to Burt records including marriages.

    Unfortunately reading that they had difficulties with reading early records.

    Below is the link to PRONI;…

    They offer an enquiry service,

    PRONI are digitising but a slow process.

    Rootsireland while it has early Protestant records,  there can be gaps, apart where unable to transcribe, some Anglican churches sent records to Dublin which were destroyed in 1922 Four Courts fire.  For Presbyterian churches, also gaps, there were a lot of splits on points of doctrine and some areas had multiple Presbyterian churches, for some churches records only commenced in the mid 1800 period.  Marriages would usually be held in wife's church.

    Given that the church indicates holds various historical records, I believe it would be good to make direct contact.

    The site below has random information on Burt.

    Marion Whelan - IrelandXO - Ireland Reaching Out Volunteer






    Whelanmg, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘︎

    Saturday 22nd Jun 2024, 04:19PM
  • Thanks Roger & Marion,

    Really good to learn marriages were usually held in the wife's church, that makes sense of a whole lot of info i found and where.

    I have heard back from Burt Presbyterian Church directly which is great so hopefully something will come out of the woodwork.

    The cotyroneireland website is a fantastic resource, i had come across this a few weeks ago and it provided a lot of incredibly useful info.


    Saturday 22nd Jun 2024, 08:45PM

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