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When James Murray married Catherine Kelleher in Brisbane, Australia in 1863, they both recorded their birthplace as Kilvert. The mainstream genealogy sites list their birthplace as Kilworth. I plan to visit Cork next month & hope to visit some the towns from which my ancestors emigrated. Could you please tell me if Kilvert is also Kilworh? Also, if there is a particular church which would have been in use back in the 1840s. 

Thank you, Denyse


Wednesday 5th Aug 2015, 09:36AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Denyse

    I think our messages and emails are crossing! I am not aware of a parish OR townland called Kilvert. I have asked our Kilworth volunteer to have a look at this and hope he will be in touch soon. If it is Kilworth records there begin in 1829

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 5th Aug 2015, 10:21AM
  • Hi Denyse

    Clare asked me to check this out. I could not find a Kilvert in Ireland but there is a Tavern by that name in the UK. 

     I live in America but I visited Kilworth in 2013 doing my Flynn family history.  Kilworth is a friendly town and Flynn's market is the main store in Town. They sent me to the Parish house two blocks away on the corner of St Anthony's and Coach Road (an extension of Main street).  There is a Church of Ireland cemetery accross from the Parochial house. The Priest has the records. I did not have time to meet him or see his records as he was out of town.

    St. Martin’s Catholic Church, Kilworth, Co. Cork  There is also a protestant church in Kilworth but no web page link.

    I hope to return some day but I am thinking my Kilworth Flynns were closer to Mitchelsworn at what is known now as Kilworth Military Camp. The town is too far away.

    Have a nice visit,

    Michael Helmantoler

    Thursday 6th Aug 2015, 06:54PM
  • Hi Michael, I've re- checked the the marriage records for james & catherine. The place is definitely Kilvert, County Cork, Ireland. ( best copybook writing from 1863! ). The word "Kilvert " appears once again on both their death Certs. I can only think that the name Kilworth was dictated & misspelt on the marriage record & thereafter whoever was filling out the death records simply copied it. What do you think?

    Thanks for the directions for the parish house. It's probably a good idea for me to contact the priest before arriving.  Have you tried searching in the newly released records from the Dublin library? Some are quite difficult to read, but oh the joy of finding the one you were after!

    Regards, Denyse Darbyshire 


    Saturday 8th Aug 2015, 09:58AM
  • Hello,

    I noticed in this thread that Michael Helmantoler mentioned that he was researching his Flynn family history in Kilworth. I recently discovered that my great great grandmother was a Flynn from Kilworth (Anne Flynn b.1842) and was wondering if there may be a connection. She married Patrick Burns/Byrnes in 1862. And that's about all I know.

    I will be visiting Kilworth in a few weeks. I will definitely look for St Martin's Catholic Church and Flynn's market. Is there a Catholic cemetery in the area that I should look for?

    Many thanks,

    Maureen (Burns) Goldsbury


    Friday 18th Mar 2016, 09:00PM
  • Hi Maureen 

    There is a graveyard in Kilworth:

    This will give you a bit of background to the parish as seen in the 1830s:

    This Survey mentions a graveyard:…

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 30th Mar 2016, 03:10PM
  • Hi Clare -

    Thank you for the information. I'm looking forward to actually being in Kilworth soon and checking this out.


    Many thanks again -



    Friday 1st Apr 2016, 05:49PM

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