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Looking for living relatives in Ireland! My mother did extensive geneology prior to her passing away & had detailed information on Her Great grandfather John Joseph Haye Sr. He was a bootmaker (shoemaker) and taught his children the trade. His son John Joseph Hayes Jr immigrated to England & met Rachel Waggstaff. They married on board the Elvira Owen some where in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on thier way to the US. They settled in Utah. I am hoping to find some relatives that might still live in Cork. attached is some info my mother was able to obtain along with a few pictures of thier possible homes in cork....




Wednesday 30th Mar 2016, 01:22AM

Message Board Replies

  • Mishuny:

    Welcome to ireland Reaching Out!

    Hayes is a very common surname in Co. Cork and the Clonakilty area. The online Irish phonebook shows many Hayes records around Clonakilty. 

    Hopefully, someone will see your message and post a comments. You can also search on our site for all prior messages involving the surname Hayes. 

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 30th Mar 2016, 04:17PM
  • Attached Files


    I must be related to you, because my g g grandfather was John Joseph Hayes! I know the story of him moving from Clonakilty to England, finding Rachel Wagstaff, my g g grandmother. (I'm descednded from his son, Henry Nephi's line).  I loved the attached photo you sent of the Hayes home! I, too, am curious as to what street, exactly where in Clonakilty their home was. Too bad there are no census' left from that time. 


    I also have a photo of the "Phipps home in Ireland" I will post.


    Good luck,



    Sunday 9th Jul 2017, 07:40PM

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