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I am doing some family history. My family came from Whiddy Island and were known as Island O’Sullivans. 7 brothers left Whiddy Island around 1830. One went to Reenstrisk near Allihies, one went to Foromanes near Eyerise, one went to Dennish near Kenmare and  one went to Kilcatherine.   He was called Sean Island. He had 8 children. One of his sons Crohur was my Great, Great Grandfather. If anyone has any information about any of them I would love to hear from you.







Sunday 21st Feb 2016, 01:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Maria:  is a free Irish government site which has church records for Co. Kerry and part of Co. Cork. The church for Kilcatherine was Eyeries which is in the Diocese of Kerry. I searched for any records involving a Crohur Sullivan and got no records back.  I would search on the site in Co. Kerry (Eyeries records are located there) to see what you can find. Obviously the surname Sullivan greatly complicates your search.

    Also, here is the parish register for Eyeries. It might be easier to go through the register.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 21st Feb 2016, 06:09PM
  • Hello Maria


    Personally, I can probably not tell you too much more than I think you have already gained from The Annals of Beara.  However, a few minutes ago I was emailling with a distant cousin of yours who lives in Gortacle, Kilcatherine and he is more than willing to try and help you also.  Perhaps to start off with you could detail for us the different generations down from Crohur that brings us down to you.  If you would rather not publish this information on this website then please feel free to send it to me, in confidence, to

    The next rather obvious question is what is it that you are looking for.  If you were hoping to be able to go further back in time then you are probably out of luck but if you looking to be put in touch with relatives still living on the Beara Peninsula then I am sure we will have considerable success.


    Beara Genealogy

    Monday 22nd Feb 2016, 10:00PM
  • Hi Maria, I don't know if you will see this, bcs your post was a year and a half ago, but Crohur Murphy is my great great grandfather, from Kilcatherine, there is a lot of information on the Island family in the Annals of Beara by Riobard O'Dwyer.

    Monday 9th Oct 2017, 12:54AM
  • Hello Tim, I expect Maria will have seen your post by now but just in case, I will draw her attention to it.  She is very well aware of the Annals of Beara and I think she has extracted every last bit of information regarding her O'Sullivan Islands and is now progressing the DNA route to dig even deeper.  It is interesting to note that you are descended from the Murphys of Knockanebracca and if you would like to share more with us about your family you could do so through this site or visit us on Facebook on the Beara Genealogy group.

    Beara Genealogy

    Monday 9th Oct 2017, 10:53AM
  • Hi Tim

    Thanks for the message.

    Did your Crohur Murphy have a step brother called Michael, who had a daughter Brigid that married Con 'O Sullivan (Island)?

    If you are on Facebook it definitely worth joining the Beara Genealogy.











    Monday 9th Oct 2017, 04:06PM
  • Yes Maria, that is him. I do have some bit of that family tree mapped out, and have been in touch with some of the descendants of Crohur Murphy's half siblings who live in the Springfield, MA area.

    Riobard are you Beara Genealogy? If yes my family and I called on you in June 2014, thank you for graciously hosting and playing Irish songs on your accordion! Yes I will be glad to contribute my family tree, there are 50 or more descendants of Crohur Murphy in southeast New England. His children James, Patrick, Mary, and Honora moved to the U.S. in the early 1890's. James and Patrick settled in the Fall River, MA area, and that is where the 50+ are (MA and RI). Mary and Nora immigrated directly to Butte, Montana, as the majority for Eyeries did, but sadly there appears to have been only one child who survived to early adulthood, Nora's son Patrick J. Leary. He was on a census in 1920 at 20 years of age, but I can't find any later information about him or them after that.

    The only Beara Genealogy web page I can find on Facebook doesn't appear to be active, am I missing the right one?

    Wednesday 11th Oct 2017, 01:24AM
  • One more question, where is Knockanebracca? I can't find any info on it. Thank you!

    Wednesday 11th Oct 2017, 01:28AM
  • Hello again Timothy.  No this is not Riobard - my name is Ken.  Riobard is still semi-active on Rootsweb Beara but at his age has not migrated to Facebook.  I am about 20 miles away from Kilcatherine so I don't know the area particularly well but have sent a message to one of my contacts who lives there to try and get precise information regarding the location of Crohur Murphy's house.  I will let you know the answer in due course.  You can find our Facebook group at

    Beara Genealogy

    Wednesday 11th Oct 2017, 09:43AM
  • Hi Tim

    I just spoke to my Dad. He grew up in Kilcatherine. He said there were 2 Murphy families living next door to each other. One was Stephen Murphy and Mairead (Island)Sullivan and the other was your Cornelius Murphy. 

    Here is my email address The house is still there. I have been outside it many times. I can send you a photo of it.







    Wednesday 11th Oct 2017, 04:12PM
  • I've a Mary Sullivan who was married in Kilmacomoge Whiddy in 1868 and was born in Muintervarra, Cork, Ireland around 1844. She was daughter of Denis Sullivan. She married Walter Dennis from Crowangle.


    Friday 19th Mar 2021, 04:28AM

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