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New to this Board and looking to connect or find materials relating to my family.   I have quite a bit of information but am stuck so hoping this will be another resource for me. 

The current problem I am working on is that I know my relatives operated (owned?) a public house c1890 - 1905 in Fermoy and wonder if anyone has access to the licencing at that time.   They were cited in the court records a few times for failing to maintain the peace and also serving out of hours.  There is no name associated with the establishment (I am told it could be their own name).  I would appreciate any help and guidance.

My GGgrandfather was actually English and came to Fermoy in 1881, however he married a Ellen Moynihan who was previously married to a Thomas Scannell (Deceased).   I know Ellen's father was a farmer and fairly certain her mother was Ellen Rahilly.   My Great Uncle Bill Eastway lived in Fermoy all his life and passed away in the mid 60's.  My Grandmother Mary Ellen lived in Fermoy until 1949 and went to live in London.     Pretty sparse details really, but all things can help as I am really trying to find out  my Moynihan connection.   Unfortunately we do not know my grandfather as my dad was born in 1916 and his mom would never say who the father was.  My genes are too Irish so I suspect it was a local and  not an English soldier based at the barracks.  She always said it was her biggest sin and her biggest joy, but that never mattered to us as we got my dad out of it...and he was amazing.



William Eastway

Monday 20th Jul 2015, 11:33AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi William

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    In relation to the operation of the premises, it might be a good idea to contact Cork Archives as they may be in a position to let you know what, if any, sources they have available:

    Have you already tried rootsireland  or irishgenealogy for a baptism/marriage records? 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 21st Jul 2015, 11:29AM
  • William

    I just saw this old post & wondering if you ever found anymore information?
    My great grandmother was Margaret Scannell, married to Jeremiah Moynihan. Thier son, John Moynihan was born in June of 1870 and was my grandfather. He immigrated to the US in 1891. I have not been able to find a marriage record for the great-grandparents, but did find death certificates, 1909 & 1916, respectively. They lived in Freemount, County Kerry.


    Friday 24th Mar 2017, 10:10PM
  • Attached Files

    Dear Msm:

    Many thanks for keeping up with the post.


    I have found a marriage record for a Dermot Moynihan (Dermot and Darby are sometimes variants of Jeremiah) to Margaret Scannell in Rathmore parish, County Kerry on 5 February 1861.  Both bride and groom are resident of Sheean.

    I have attached it to this post for you as a screenshot.

    The best of luck with your research!

    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 27th Mar 2017, 03:45PM
  • Hi all, 

    Not sure whether this thread is still in operation but I stumbled accross it. Billy Eastway lived with Frances and Jerry Sullivan in Casement row on barrack hill fermoy (Frances nee sheehan was my Grandads first cousin). My grandad Jerry Sheehan was friends with 'Hickory' Eastway, my mam has often spoke about Hickory and Billy.  She faintly remembers meeting Mary when she came to visit Billy from England, she says Mary was known as Maymey.   My mother has photographs of Billy, she knew him very well and he attended my parents wedding in March 1972.  I know this isnt helpful to the Moynihan side of things but I thought I would send a message anyway.

    Kind regards,



    Just checked with my dad he thinks Moynihans pub was where Clancys pub now is in Fermoy.  On Barrack hill (Oliver Plunkett hill) on the corner before you turn to fo into the GAA pitch which was where the Barracks was.

    Laura Doyle

    Wednesday 25th Sep 2019, 08:34PM

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