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Jennings Family emigrated to New Brunswick @1842.

John Jennings was married twice. His first wife is unknown to us. They had four children Margaret, Helen(Ellen),Catherine and Henry from which my family is descended.

John re-married on Oct.8,1829 to Ann Wolfe of Fortrobert according to documents at St.Finbarre's. They had Jane, Ann and Mary.

We think Henry did not emigrate with his father, step mother, sisters and step-sisters in 1842 but came later. He may have stayed behind with relatives. John settled in Bathurst New Brunswick and died there.

Henry married Jane Morgan  d/o Robert Morgan before leaving Ireland @1848 for Saint John,New Brunswick. He died there in 1877and his place of origin was identified as Drinagh. His wife Jane moved her family to Bathurst after his death and raised their large family until her death in 1924.

We are hoping to find Henry's mother's family name. We may also have a connection to Bandon as many in Northern New Brunswick Irish are from @ there

Patricia Jennings Maguire

Tuesday 2nd Apr 2013, 12:27AM

Message Board Replies

  • I believe we are looking for the same person.  My gg grandmother, Catherine (Jennings) Norton,was a full sister of Henry Jennings.  Catherine, the 3rd daughter of John and (unknown) Jennings, said she was 14 when she came to Bathurst, NB, Canada. She married James Norton, also born in Ireland, two years later.  She and James settled on a farm iin Salmon Beach, near Bathurst, where they raised their family 

    I found a marriage between a John Jennings and a Catherine Dunne in Ballymodan parish on January 14, 1816.  No further information on either individual. Most of the irish settlers in this area came from County Cork, including Bandon and called their settlement, New Bandon,

    I hope that together with this program, we will be able to find John Jenning's first wife and proof that his 2nd wife was widow, Anne Wolfe.

    Wednesday 8th May 2013, 07:44PM
  • I am just learning to use this site. Hopefully you don't get this twice.

    Yes I am looking for the same person who was the first wife of John Jennings who must have died in Ireland. Henry was the brother of Catherine. I no longer live in the Bathurst area but I do have information on our relatives after they came to NB. I have no information on relatives in Ireland. I descended from John, Henry, Thomas,Henry (Harry), Donald. I am going to Ireland in the fall and would like to try to find out more about this possible Catherine D.connection. I may have an opportunity to ask questions if I have a lead on a location. We had heard that name too. We have relatives in Saint John NB but they have become distant in our generation. I do have some of their names. Some of them used to visit when I was a child. It is possible they may know the maternal side. Not sure what you already have but I am willing to share anything I have.

    Patricia Jennings Maguire

    Thursday 9th May 2013, 02:02AM

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