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Patrick McSweeney b.? d 1900 married Mary Hegarthy b.? d1912

Their children: William, Julia, Bartholmue, Bride*, Stephen, Mary and John.

*(Bride Josephine b. 1871 d. 9/18/1956 in Medford, Massachusetts -Bride married David J. Condon in the USA,.  David J. Condon b 1867 d.1941 is also from Cork.  I think on Green St in St. Finbarr's parish)

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Jeannette Condon Perkins



Wednesday 18th Jun 2014, 05:04PM

Message Board Replies

  • Jeannette:

    Roots Ireland has an 1861 marriage for a Patrick McSweeny and a Mary Hegarty (or variant spelling). The marriage record is in the Castletownroche RC records which is the Catholic parish for Ballyhooly civil parish. Roots is a pay site to view the transcription of the church record.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 18th Jun 2014, 06:31PM
  • Ms. Perkins--

    My Grandfather, William Sweeney (or McSweeney), was born in Ballyhooly, County Cork in 1862. His parents were Patrick Sweeney--a baker in the village--and Mary Hegarty. William's siblings included Bridget (1871-1956), Stephen, Bartholomew, and others. He also had a cousin or nephew Jack Lynch, who lived for a time in the United States before returning to Ireland. William ("Big Bill") emigrated to northeastern Pennsylvania and worked most of his life for the Jersey Central Railroad. He married Annie Coyle, who was born in Pennsylvania of Irish parents, and they raised five children; he died in 1956. Big Bill had an uncle Michael, who preceded him to Pennsylvania from Ireland. Michael had a son James J., who lived most of his life in northeastern Pennsylvania and died in 1956. My father, also William ("Bill"), spoke on occasion of his Aunt Bride, who settled in or near Boston, Massachusetts. He also mentioned his Cousin Eddie, her son. Aunt Bride died about the time I was born; I never met her or any of her descendants.

    I would be happy to share more information on our line of Sweeneys if you think there's a connection here.

    All the best,

    Pat Sweeney

    Monday 1st Sep 2014, 01:30AM

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