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My great-great grandparents, Redmond Geary and Mary Moore,  were married in Aghada (Catholic) in 1811. I have been going through the new Catholic Church records on the NLI site and found two baptisms: one in 1817 (Patrick) and another (David) in 1819. At that time they lived in Glanagow. However, neither are my great grandfather, James Geary. 

From Canadian census and marriage records, I have narrowed down James' birth to 1820-1830. However, I have now gone through the Aghada church records through 1831 and found no other children of Redmond and Mary.  I suspect they may have moved.

What other Catholic churches are close to Glanagow? Thanks for your help!

Kathleen Foley, Minnesota, USA

kathleen foley

Friday 10th Jul 2015, 11:02PM

Message Board Replies

  • Kathleen:

    The two RC parishes which border Aghada parish are Cloyne and Midleton. I looked on Roots Ireland and could not find  the record. I searched from 1815-1835 in all of the parishes in the Diocese of Cloyne which includes Midleton and Cloyne RC parishes.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 11th Jul 2015, 12:56AM
  • Roger,

    Thank you SO much for checking the records of the nearby parishes. Greatly appreciated! Now, I just need to figure out where they went ;-)


    kathleen foley

    Sunday 12th Jul 2015, 02:20PM

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