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Am researching COTT Family originatining in Cork. I am looking for details of Nicholas Cott who was born sometime during the 1700s. Believed to be in Cork. Married Mary (surname unknown). Father of Edward Cott Born 1815.  Have come to a dead-end with this ancestor details and any help would be most appreciated.



Monday 11th Jan 2016, 09:52AM

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  • Hello Reicott,  I found a baptismal registration on for a Nicholas Cotte on 21 Oct 1823.  His father is listed as Nicholas Cotte and mother is listed as Mary Hurley.  Their sponsors are listed as David Cotte and Martha Kelly. Parish/district is listed as Midleton Co Cork

    I then searched for any children born to Nicholas Cott and Hurley. I found these listed also in Midleton Co. Cork.

    William Cotte  1820

    William Cotte  1822

    Nicholas Cotte  1823

    Ellen Cotte  1828

    It looks like the first born William died and the second child was then called William.  The first born son was usually called after the fathers father.  So you could probably assume that Nicholas (1823) grandfathers name was William Cotte?

    I can't seem to find a marriage cert for Nicholas and Mary Hurley, but it is very rare for records to go back that far.  I can find no record for Edward Cott.  That doesn't mean to say that your information is incorrect just that there may be no records going back that far.  Most parish records start approx 1830 or so.  Some of the big towns may have records going back a bit farther.  Anything previous to that is a bonus.

    I don't know if this helps you in any way,


    Anne Dennehy

    Monday 11th Jan 2016, 12:02PM
  • Anne, very many thanks.  This will be quite useful and I will sit down and try to digest it with regard to my research so far.  Very rewarding when one finds something that might fit in.  


    John Cott



    Tuesday 12th Jan 2016, 09:29AM

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