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I am searching for James Kenny who is my ggg-grandfather.  It appears from the records I can find he was from Tulla, born about 1804 and married Mary Touhey also born around 1804.  They both died in Tulla.  My questions are:  Are there any Kenny family members still in Tulla? Does anyone know anything about James Kenny?  What work he did?  Other children? Siblings? 

His son, James E. Kinney (Kenny), my gg-grandfather came to the United States in 1844 at age 20.  He married Anna J. McMahon in New York City in 1854.  They moved to Wisconson and then to Iowa.   Why the name changed, I don't know. James E. Kinney was born December 25, 1824 and died December 17, 1907 in Elma, Iowa. We are good on the family history once he reached the States but we know nothing before that time other than James E. Kinney was born in County Clare, Ireland.  

Truly any help you can give me would be deeply appreciated.  Thank you, Sharon (Kinney-Trujillo) Kasner



Wednesday 28th May 2014, 09:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Sharon

    I have passed  your query to our Tulla volunteer. I hope you will hear from her soon

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 28th May 2014, 11:02AM
  • Dear Sharon:


    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  I am the parish liaison for Tulla and I have had a quick look for you in the parish registers.  Unfortunately, I cannot find any baptism entry for a James Kenny & Margaret Tuohy.  Having said that, our parish registers while going back to 1819, have numerous gaps in them, and 1823 & 1824 are two of those years. 


    I also had a look at the marriage register for any entry for the above and again, could find none.  As well, there are gaps in the marriage registers.


    I will say that on looking at the Tithe Applotment Books for Tulla (online through the Clare Library website), I noted the following:

    The only Kenny entry is for a Rev. John Kenny (probably not yours).

    However, the name Kenny is also a variant of Canny. 

    There is a James Canny noted in the area of Kildonalballagh (Lower Kilduff) in the parish in the Tithe books.  There are also entries for the following names in the same area (Lower Kilduff):  John, Michael, Patt & Thomas.  There is another name:  Patt Canny located in Garruragh townland.


    In the Griffith Valuation, again no surname of Kenny in Tulla Parish.,


    Canny is noted as follows:

    Edward  in Knockdoocunna

    John in Derrulk Upper

    Michael in Kilduff Lower

    Patrick in Glandree.

    If you have any further information, or if you want to send me anything further, please email me at:


    Many thanks for your interest in Ireland Reaching Out and best of luck with your research!


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 2nd Jun 2014, 09:04PM
  • Hello,

    I am coming to Tulla in late September and would love to meet some who could help me find out more about my Ancestors...GGGrandparents William Obrien/JaneCallen......their son William Francis Obrien who was my GGrandfather on his death certificate it says he was born in Tulla 1863. He came to Western Australia (Perth) around 1892 to live. We will be flying into Dublin and hiring a car then make our way down to Kilkenny and Tulla. Is there any were first that I should go to in Dublin to find records etc. Kilkenny is were Anastasia Jackman was born 1858. William Frances wife my GGrandmother.

    Kind regards Nola


    Thursday 5th Jun 2014, 12:00AM

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