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Hello from New York!

I will be visiting Tulla while in County Clare on 25-26 August.  In 1998 I visited with my family in search of my grandfather's ancestral home.  We were able to locate it by speaking with some wonderful people at Minogue's, who put us in touch with Moira Reidy (not sure of the spelling).  My grandfather, Thomas Cusack, was born in the US, but his father was born near Tulla.  Moira's mother is his sister, who passed away at a young age, and Moira's father remarried.  Moira was kind enough to bring us to the family home on Culleen (or possibly Clonlea) Lake.  We then found my grandfather's mother's home.  Her name was Delia Dillon.  The story goes that Delia's mother and sister both married Dillons, making them "double cousins."   Unfortunately, I only have scattered notes about the whole trip so I don't know if I have the correct spellings or information, but I am hoping to track down both homes when I visit next week.  Is there anyone there who might be able to help?

Many thanks in advance,

Clare Cusack  

Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 04:03PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Clare

    I have passed your query to our Tulla volunteer, I hope she will be in touch soon

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 04:13PM
  • Thank you Clare!  You have a lovely name!  :)

    Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 04:16PM
  • Hi Clare:


    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  I will be more than happy to meet you next week.  Please email me at: and we can make plans to meet up whatever day suits you.


    Have a safe trip over!


    All the best,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 22nd Aug 2014, 05:04PM
  • Hi Clare:


    I have sent you an email with my phone number on it.  You can contact me at that number tomorrow.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 24th Aug 2014, 08:18PM
  • Thanks Jane!

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 25th Aug 2014, 08:51AM

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