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I am seeking information on Michael McMAHON and Catherine BOWLES married c. 1825 and residing in Tulla.

My Great Grandfather Michael McMahon b.c. 1804/07 (parentsCornealius & Margaret MCMAHON) married Catherine Bowles (parents John BOWLES & Honora PEPPER) c. 1825. They settled in the Tulla District spending quite a bit of time in the Townland of Glendree, as well as Alough and Ballyblood

They had a number of children:
Mary McMahon born 3 May 1825 at Glendree, Tulla Parish, Co. Clare,
Bridget McMahon born ca. 1829 at Tulla, Co. Clare
Honora McMahon born ca. 1831 at Tulla, Co. Clare
Catherine McMahon born ca. 1833 at Tulla, Co. Clare
Cornealius McMahon born ca. 1836 at Tulla, Co. Clare
Eliza McMahon born ca. 1838 at Tulla, Co. Clare
Thomas McMahon born ca. 1839 at Tulla, Co. Clare
John/Michael? McMahon born ca. 1840/3 at Tulla, Co. Clare
Ellen McMahon born ca. 1844 at Tulla, Co. Clare
Margaret McMahon born ca. 1847 at Tulla, Co. Clare

Daughter Mary (married James Bourke from Broadford) and immigrated to Australia in 1853. James Bourke then sponsored the immigration of Honora and Catherine. In 1856 James sponsored the remainder of the family (except Bridget) out to Australia they settled in NSW.

I would welcome any new information on this family.

Saturday 20th Apr 2013, 10:58AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Leane:


    Many thanks for your query. 


    Yes, there was a Michael McMahon and Catharine Bowles who had a large family.  I will double check those dates for you in the parish register in the next week or so.  In addition, I will check a marriage date for you. 


    Many thanks for joining Ireland Reaching Out.  Be sure to join the Tulla parish if you haven't already.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 21st Apr 2013, 04:27PM
  • Dear Leanne:

    I have looked up some information for you.  


    Unfortunately, I cannot find a record for a marriage between Michael McMahon and Catherine Bowles.  The marriage register in Tulla has a lot of gaps in it and the mid1820's are particularly difficult.  However, I did fine some baptismal records.


    they are as follows:


    chiddren born to Michael McMahon & Catherine Bowles

    1.  Mary 3 October 1825

    2. Bridget 12 September 1829

    3. Honora 4 April 1831

    4. Catherine 2 November 1833

    5. Connor (you listed him as Cornelius) 9 October 1836

    6. Bess (you listed as Eliza) 25 May 1838

    7. Thomas 15 December 1839


    there isn't any marriage record for Mary to James Bourke.  Possibly they married elsewhere.  


    I hope that this is some help to you.  Any questions, please get back to me.


    all the best,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 3rd May 2013, 06:54PM
  • Hello Leanne,

    I just recently discovered that I have Bowels ancestry as well.  It has been a few years since you last posted here, so I hope this message reaches you.  I found a rootsweb page that has some information about the Bowels of Clare.  If you have not yet seen it, I'm hoping it might help you!  I haven't vetted all of the information myself, so I can't guarantee its accuracy, but it's worth having a look at anyway, I think.  My Bowel family also appears to have been from Glandree.  I come from Ellen Bowels who married Patrick Casey in Tulla in 1843.




    Monday 18th Feb 2019, 06:25PM
  • Dear Leanne & Megan: 

    Thank you for your query to the Ireland Reaching Out message board.  The Bowles family resided in Glendree and they had a number of family there.  While the name is no longer in Glendree, there are descendants in the local area.  Rev. James Bowles was a Parish Priest in Tulla who was instrumental in bringing the Sisters of Mercy to Tulla in 1883.  If you would like further information, please let me know. 

    Kind regards, 





    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Tuesday 19th Feb 2019, 12:57PM
  • Hello Jane!


    Yes, I would definitely appreciate any information that you or anyone else may be able to provide.  I was so excited to have recently found the marriage record of Ellen Bowels and Patrick Casey in Tulla, my 3rd great grandparents.  I had been searching for the identity of Patrick's wife for 4 years, and all Feakle parish records had turned up nothing.


    I knew there was some sort of connection to Glendree, as we are in possession of Patrick and Ellen's son's (Jeremiah Casey, my 2nd great grandfather) will, and in that will, Ellen (nee Minogue) was said to have been entitled to the proceeds of the will of James Holohan, stonemason of Glendree.  I am now looking athrough Tulla parish records to see if I can determine any further relations between the Caseys, Bowels, and Holohans.  What would be incredibly helpful is if some could tell me if those relations were particular to Glendree, or if there were relatives in neighboring townlands.  The time period would have been the early to mid 1800s.


    There was also a Darby Casey who married a Mary Holohan and a Nancy Casey who married a Michael Holohan, both of Glendree.  These couples had children in the mid-1840's, and were also from Glendree.  I am surmising that Darby and Nancy would have been Patrick's siblings, especially given that Patrick had a son named Jeremiah.  But it appears that they disappear after 1850.  Would I be correct in thinking that they were likely victims of the famine or chose to emigrate?


    Thank you,



    Wednesday 20th Feb 2019, 10:01PM
  • Dear Megan:  Thank you for your reply.  One of our volunteers has a lot of Glendree information and I will ask him about this.  You are aware that the first name Darby is a nickname for Jeremiah, so it may be that these two families that you referred to are indeed connected.  As to your comment about the two families disappearing after the 1850s, they may have emigrated abroad, moved elsewhere (been evicted) or died.  You might check the Historic Graves website which has all of the headstones listed for the Tulla graveyard.  I know that the surname Casey is there.  The link is:  I will ask our volunteer today and let you know if not over the weekend, early next week.  Kind regards,  Jane

    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 22nd Feb 2019, 09:57AM
  • Hi Megan:  I have had another look again.  The Holohan name is actually "Houlihan" and those families were in Glendree.  There was a Pat Casey living in Tyredagh in the 1901 Census who was a widower.  I believe that his wife, Ellen (Eileen) died the previous year and I have a copy of her death record which I will try to find.  I don't think that this couple had children.  I'll check this out and let you know.  Jane

    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 22nd Feb 2019, 10:16AM

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