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Hello, I am a direct descendant of the marriage of John Foley and Honora Shea.

I am looking for church records that would tell me....

1. The parents of both of the above

2. The burial site of Honora Shea Foley

3. Living relatives in the Tulla area with contact information.

4. Any knowledge about this family

5. The marriage date of John and Honora.  (about 1855)

This is the information I have obtained so far.  This family lived in Loughaun North.

Children include Martin, Thomas, mary, Patrick, Michael, John, Thady (Terrence or Timothy), James, Bridget, Honora, Margaret, Nicholas and Catherine.  They attended the Knockjames National School.

I believe that the grave site for John and son Thomas Foley is in the Tulla (St. Mochulla's) cemetery is my family. If that is indeed true, then I wonder where John's wife Honora would be buried.  The stone did not contain dates for John. I am not aware of the Irish burial customs.

John born about 1831 and died 1925.  Honora Shea Foley born about 1835 and died about 1905.  I am not 100% sure on these dates.

I sincerely appreciate any assistance you may provide.  This family has been an especially difficult one for me to

figure out.

Best Regards,

Jean Murray


Wednesday 2nd Jan 2013, 05:19AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Jean:


    i just saw your message here and I can give you some information.  I am the parish administrator for Tulla.  Both those names were just up the road from where I am now living. If you like, I can look up some of the information that you are looking for here in the parish records.  My husband is a native of the Knockjames area and he remembers both family names.  The is a place above us known as Foley's mountain and your ancestors were not too far from where the Mass Rock is.  


    I will get back to you sometime next week with information.  



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 2nd Jan 2013, 10:21PM
  • Hi Jean:


    I have just done a very quick look for you and I have some information that I hope that you will find helpful.


    First of all, The Tulla Courthouse committee has just finished the training for the historic graves project.  This project photographs and records all the local headstones in a given parish.  We have the photos up of the Church of Ireland graveyard and the old graveyard in Tulla.  You will note when you go into that website, that graves # 10 & 11 are Foly and Shea.  That might be useful info for you.


    Secondly, we have a wonderful county library facility here in County Clare that has probably the best genealogical resource collection outside of Dublin.  This is all done by voluntary transcription and it is truly terrific!

    I took a quick look in the Griffith's Valuation for you and the Foleys appear in Loughaun North in that.  In addition, there are Sheas that are located in Affick (Affog is the old spelling) and that is close to Loughaun. 

    In the 1901 Census, (available through the County website and the National Archives), the Foleys are listed as living in Loughaun North.  In order for you to find them, you will need to click on County Clare, click on Tulla Union, click on Kiltannon and Loughaun North is the last townland in Kiltannon.  NOTE:  Kiltannon is the District Electoral Division for Loughaun North and that is important info to have.  Honora Foley is in that Census.  You can also access the 1911 Census as an external link in the Library website and in the National Archives website.  Again, going through the same tabs as above, you will find the Foleys listed in Loughaun North in 1911.  Honora is not listed and it is likely that she passed away. 

    I will do a quick baptismal date search for you in Tulla next week if you like.  In addition, I can check the death register, however, unfortunately the Deaths were not recorded in the parish until 1917.  However, John Foley's death could be in that. 

    Useful websites for you: clare

    If you have any difficulty with the above, please let me know and I will try to e-mail the links to you.



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Thursday 3rd Jan 2013, 08:20PM
  • Hi Jean:


    I just wanted to let you know that we are hosting a Weekend of the Welcomes in Tulla from 9 - 12 August of this year.  We will be hosting 4 days of events to include genealogy, heritage, history and music for visitors to the parish.  If you have any travel plans to visit us at this time, we would love to meet you and show you around.  If your plans are for another date and time, please let us know so that we may assist you when you come to the parish. 

    I hope to hear from you and if I have any more Foley information for you, I will let you know.


    All the best,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 8th Feb 2013, 08:13PM

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