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Searching for Thomas Canny born abt 1792 Scarriff wife Margaret Nash. Had daughter Mary who married Tim Malone. My Greatgrandmother was Winifred born abt 1833 she emigrated to Australia with a brother Patrick in 1855. Any information about the families would be great. Marg

Marg Clifton

Tuesday 21st Jan 2014, 09:36AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Marg:

    My answer to your query earlier in the day stands.  If you want to message me, please do at


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 22nd Jan 2014, 08:51PM
  • Scariff/Moynoe RC Baptism from Register


    Date of Baptism: 7JUL1861

    Child: Edward

    Father: Thady Malone

    Mother: Mary Canny

    Sponsor 1: Denis Minogue

    Sponsor 2: Mary Grainan

    No placenames are mentioned


    James McNamara

    Wednesday 29th Jan 2014, 05:13AM
  • Hello Marg Clifton,       My grandmother was Margaret Malone, baptised August 21, 1860 RC parish of Scarriff. Sponsors were Thady Malone & Mary Canny. Margaret is the daughter of Patrick Malone/Bridget Minogue.  I am having some difficulty finding avail info on Patrick Malone ie. siblings, parents etc. I believe (not yet confirmed) that Thady is likely Patrick's brother. Thady's name is Timothy. I believe (once again, not yet confirmed 100%) that Thady/Timothy was born 1843 and Patrick in 1841. I have, who I believe to be both of them, in Carrowmore farming side-by-acreage owned by Sir Arture Brooks & Lady Franklin. The land is actually listed as "In Chancery." This info is out of Griffith's Valuation, 1855. Margaret Malone & sister Kate came to Massachusetts, USA in 1885 & 1890 respectively.  Bridget Minogue is listed as Bridget Mannix on US records as Margaret & Kate's mother.  I have info on other siblings of Margaret and their children many of which eventually came to Massachusetts.  Would realy like to talk with you!!!!!!

    Kevin Reilly, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA



    Kevin Reilly

    Saturday 28th Oct 2017, 12:37AM
  • Hello,  although I don't have Canny or Molone in my tree that I know of, I have lots of ancestors from Sheaun/Scariff.  Two Mason brothers Michael and Thomas left from Parteen for farmland in Sheaun/Scariff.  I have information for Minogue, Bleach, (O')Connor and more.  Unfortunately, much of my research is in storage at the moment and I don't have easy access.  I will, however, share whatever I might have on my computer.                                                                                                                  

    Judith Mason

    Chicago, IL






    Saturday 28th Oct 2017, 02:30PM
  • Hi Kevin

    The Thady (Tim) Malone and Mary Canny that I have in my family tree were born about Thady 1813 and Mary 1819. Thady died 15 september 1886 aged 73 and Mary 5 January 1907 aged 88. I don't know when they were married. But have found their grave on this siteClare Genealogy: Graveyard Inscriptions - Moynoe Graveyard, Scariff

    I think they had 7 children starting with Edmond in 1843, John 1852, Owen 1855, Tim 1857, Edward 1861, n ? Bridget. 

    Owen came out here to Australia in 1877. When Owen died in 1927 aged 72 he still had a brother John alive in Ireland. 

    Marg Clifton

    Marg Clifton

    Monday 13th Nov 2017, 08:15AM
  • Hi again Marj Clifton,

    The info you gave was very helpful.  I'm not sure where I got the birth dates I mentioned for Thady/Timothy & Patrick. I actualy have Thady @ 1913 but Patrick was unknown. I do have some info that implies that Patrick is younger than Thady but nothing that is exact. I have copius notes of what I've researched/found and those birth date I mentioned are not anywhere in m notes. Obviously, when I made my initial request above, my fingers were not communicating with my brain at the time!!!!!

    What I do know is:

    A) Margaret Malone, my grandmother, was baptised August 21, 1860 in RC parish of Scarriff, County Clare.  Parents were Patrick Malone & Bridget Minogue. They resided in the townland of Carrowmore (there are numerous spellings in the records for this twonland.  Margarets sponsors at baptism were Thady Malone & Mary Canny. This info is contained in the Scarriff Parish Register.

    B) A younger brother of Maragaret, Patrick Malone, was baptised in the same parish on February, 1866. Sponsors were Owen Malone and Anne Malone. Owen is 11yrs old at the time (and son of Thady Malone & Mary Canny) and a 1st cousin of baby Patrick.  Anne Malone is baby Patrick's 9yr old sister. It was quite common that "children", usually siblings or closer cousins, were sponsors at this time. The priest tracelled around the area. Your child was baptised when he was there. People didn't travel like today so. The people in the area were very often connected family.

    C) Griffiths Valuation in 1955 has a Timothy Malone (Thady) and a Patrick Malone farming side-by-side plots of land in the same area, Carrowmore, Scarriff, County Clare.

    I feel very confident that my great grandfather, Patrick Malone and Thady/Timothy Malone are brothers.  I have no doubt that there are other siblings. After all what is the likelihood that an Irish Catholic family would have only two children in that era. Possible but unlikely.  I now expand my search to Owen's brother John in Ireland.  I am hoping that I will be able to identify Patrick and Thady/Timothy Malone parents and siblings

    Kevin Reilly

    Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA



    Kevin Reilly

    Thursday 16th Nov 2017, 04:35PM
  • I have just joined and note the posts re Malone family Carrowmore. John Malone (1847-1937) was my great grandfather and lived at Carrowmore all his life. His daughter Mary(Minnie) married my grandfather John Hannan, Craglea, Killaloe. I now own the house and farm at Carrowmore.

    John's brother Owen 1855-1927 emigrated to Australia in 1877 at the age of 22 and lived and prospered there. He died in 1927.

     I understand that there were four other siblings..Edmond born 1843;Tim 1857;Edward 1861; Bridget ?

    I would like to hear from any of their descendents in the USA or elsewhere


    John Hannon

    John Hannon

    Friday 7th Jun 2019, 04:53PM
  • Dear John:

    Many thanks for putting up your post for Kevin and Marg and anyone else researching these two families.  Would you be able to create a building profile for the farmhouse on the XO Chronicles?  You could write in whatever information you would like to share about the family.  If you have any questions, please let me know at:


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 10th Jun 2019, 01:12PM
  • Hi John

    Nice to hear from you.

    That's great that you are still living on the farm that Thady Malone and Mary Canny owned. Do you know who Thady's parents were?

    Mary Canny was my greatgrandmother's older sister. Winifred was my ggrandmother's name born in 1829 in Scariff/Moynoe. Their parents were Thomas Canny and Margaret Nash. Winifred emigrated to Melbourne, Australia in 1855 with I think, her brother Patrick. Winifred met and married my ggrandfather John Droney in Melbourne in 1865. They had a son in Melbourne, Thomas born 1866. They decided to travelled to the North Coast of New South Wales (Coraki) but on the way at Sydney Thomas died 1877. They had another son John Patrick born in Coraki NSW, don't know when he died. Another son James was born in Coraki in 1869-1942 and also Thomas Peter 1872-1938. My grandmother Margaret was born in 1874-1954. Her father John Droney died in 1880 when Margaret was 5. Her mother Winifred Droney nee Canny died in 1887 the day before Margaret tuned 12.  Margaret then went to live with Owen Malone who raised her till she married my grandfather John Doohan when she was 19.

    The story in my family was that Winifred Droney (Canny) who died of breast cancer aged 58 knew she was dying so she sent to Ireland for one of her nieces Hannah Boland to come to Australia to look after Margaret her daughter. Hannah died in Quarantine in Sydney of pneumonia (I can't find her death in Australia or her family in Scariff). Do you know of them?  Winifred then sent for Owen her nephew who was already here in Australia to look after her daughter. 

    I am in contact with one of Owen Malone's grandson's another John Malone born 1954. John lives and farms the original farm that Owen owned. John and I went to school together. Our mother's were also best friends. One of John's cousin's Pauline Curby has done alot of family research and written a book on Coraki. 

    Hope to hear from you soon

    Regards Marg Clifton



    Marg Clifton

    Monday 10th Jun 2019, 01:59PM
  • Marg:

    New comment from John Hannon.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Jun 2019, 11:09PM

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