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I  am looking for inforation on the McNamaras in Scarriff- I know there are many families and so it is hard to narrow things down- but my great grand mother was Catherine McNamara born about 1865-She immigrated to teh US around 1885 and possibly had a sister who was already there r went with her- her parents were Michael McNamara and Katherine Gallagher- she may have had a brother named Patrick who was a teacher- but I am not sure if that info is accurate-- any information would be apprecited


Sunday 1st Dec 2013, 02:28AM

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  • Hi - thank you for your message. Some excellent resources for County Clare include:

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support


    Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 10:47AM
  • I have a little more information than the last time I posted. My great-great grandfather was Michael McNamara and his wife was a Gallagher-- On my great grandmother's death certificate, (information provided by her son Michael since she died in his house in Chicago Illinois) her mother is listed as Katherine Gallagher and they are all listed as being from Scarriff. There are no other Gallaghers married to a McNamara that I can find in County Clare I have been able to find baptismal certificates for children born to Michael McNamara and Winefred Gallagher - the names and years of the children match what I know about my great grandnother and her family. I am wondering if my great great grandmother's name was Winefred Katherine Gallagher and she went by Katherine or maybe my great uncle was mistaken about the first name since he never met his grandmother. The other peice of infomation is that the baptisms were registered in "The Tulla District"- was that common for people who lived in surrounding areas to have the baptismal records registered in the Tulla district?-- just wondering if my "guesses" make any sense or if I am way off base - any insight would be greatly appreciatged--

    One other thing- I will be in Ireland thsi August, spending most of my time in County Clare-- any suggestions on how I can best continue my research while I am there?

    Thank you - Andrea



    Saturday 14th Jun 2014, 06:56PM
  • I have a little more information than the last time I posted. My great-great grandfather was Michael McNamara and his wife was a Gallagher-- On my great grandmother's death certificate, (information provided by her son Michael since she died in his house in Chicago Illinois) her mother is listed as Katherine Gallagher and they are all listed as being from Scarriff. There are no other Gallaghers married to a McNamara that I can find in County Clare I have been able to find baptismal certificates for children born to Michael McNamara and Winefred Gallagher - the names and years of the children match what I know about my great grandnother and her family. I am wondering if my great great grandmother's name was Winefred Katherine Gallagher and she went by Katherine or maybe my great uncle was mistaken about the first name since he never met his grandmother. The other peice of infomation is that the baptisms were registered in "The Tulla District"- was that common for people who lived in surrounding areas to have the baptismal records registered in the Tulla district?-- just wondering if my "guesses" make any sense or if I am way off base - any insight would be greatly appreciatged--

    One other thing- I will be in Ireland thsi August, spending most of my time in County Clare-- any suggestions on how I can best continue my research while I am there?

    Thank you - Andrea



    Saturday 14th Jun 2014, 06:56PM
  • I have a little more information than the last time I posted. My great-great grandfather was Michael McNamara and his wife was a Gallagher-- On my great grandmother's death certificate, (information provided by her son Michael since she died in his house in Chicago Illinois) her mother is listed as Katherine Gallagher and they are all listed as being from Scarriff. There are no other Gallaghers married to a McNamara that I can find in County Clare I have been able to find baptismal certificates for children born to Michael McNamara and Winefred Gallagher - the names and years of the children match what I know about my great grandnother and her family. I am wondering if my great great grandmother's name was Winefred Katherine Gallagher and she went by Katherine or maybe my great uncle was mistaken about the first name since he never met his grandmother. The other peice of infomation is that the baptisms were registered in "The Tulla District"- was that common for people who lived in surrounding areas to have the baptismal records registered in the Tulla district?-- just wondering if my "guesses" make any sense or if I am way off base - any insight would be greatly appreciatged--

    One other thing- I will be in Ireland thsi August, spending most of my time in County Clare-- any suggestions on how I can best continue my research while I am there?

    Thank you - Andrea



    Saturday 14th Jun 2014, 06:56PM

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