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Hoping to get to Ireland next year.

Yesterday I received a copy of my g-grandparents Irish wedding certificate. The event took place in Scarriff in 1882. The priest who married them in the Catholic Church was Kenny. His initials look like M or N and J.

Theresa Hayes married Joseph McCormack on 6 October 1882. They both put their present residence as Scarriff. What's got me intrigued is that they both name their profession as actors. Theresa also gives her father's name as Michael and states that he is an actor too. Joseph's father is listed as dead, but Michael Hayes does not have this against his name so I presume he is alive in 1882.

The witnesses to the wedding were Michael Hayes and Kate Angeross Hayes. I presume these are either Theresa's siblings or her parents as her mother's name was Catherine Liston. Not sure about the Angeross, as in never heard of it as a middle name. There's a very small possibility that the g is actually a q.

I know Joseph was born in Boulea Tipperary and Theresa in Mungret, Limerick.

A Michael Hayes died in Scariff in 1891 aged 54 according to the registration records. Possibly could be Theresa's father.

I was wondering why three actors would be living in Scarriff as it seems a very small village and whether I could learn more about their activities. The McCormacks were bakers. The only information I had about the Hayes was that Theresa's father Michael was a teacher so I guess he could have been both at some stage. I also know that Theresa had a brother called Michael and possibly an uncle called Denis as a Denis hayes was her older brother's godafther.

After their wedding, Joseph and Theresa immigrated to Australia. I don't know what happened to her parents or siblings.

Interested in any help I can get about any type of shows or theatre in Scarriff or surrounds and whether the Hayes came from there or settled there.




Friday 2nd Aug 2013, 08:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    In Feakle there is/was a great mucisian P.J. Hayes.  His son Martin is also a great musician.  See this site and ask them if they are related to your HAYES family of interest.


    There is a contact email there you can write them and just ask.

    Best of luck,

    James McNamara

    Feakle Clare Liaisan

    Saturday 3rd Aug 2013, 02:55PM
  • Hi:


    As James mentioned, it would be interesting to see if there is a connection with yourself and the Hayes of Feakle.  At the moment, the Feakle International Festival is on here in Clare, and you may have to wait for a reply.  Did you take a look at the 1901 Census for Scariff?  It is possible that there could be Hayes that were still there at that time.  Just speculation, but possible. 


    Good luck with your search.  I run into Pat Hayes often, so if you don't hear back from them, please contact me here through Ireland Reaching Out, and I will remind him.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 7th Aug 2013, 07:22PM
  • Hi, 

    - There is Martin baptized in May of 1871 to parents Pat Hayes and Anne Sheridan in Scariff RC Parish.

    - There is a John Thomas baptized in 27 SEP 1874 to parents Timothy Hayes and Maria Culligan of Fossabeg.  Sponsors are Martin Hayes and Bridget Culligan of Fossabeg,

    1 'There is a Mary Ellen baptized 8 FEB 1877 to parents Timoth Hayes and Mary Culligan of Fossabeg.

     This register stops in 1881 so anthing after that you need to talk to the local priest.


    Best wishes


    Feakle Clare Liason.                                                                                                                                             

    Saturday 19th Oct 2013, 04:08AM
  • Thanks so much for doing this research


    Saturday 19th Oct 2013, 04:52AM

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