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My Great, great grandparents, Michael Singleton and Eizabeth O'Leary born around 1820.

Sunday 17th Mar 2013, 04:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dar John:

    Many thanks for your query to the XO message board.  


    I will check that information out for you and let you know what I can find out.


    the best of luck on your research!


    Kind  regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:13PM
  • Dar John:

    Many thanks for your query to the XO message board.  


    I will check that information out for you and let you know what I can find out.


    the best of luck on your research!


    Kind  regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:13PM
  • Dar John:

    Many thanks for your query to the XO message board.  


    I will check that information out for you and let you know what I can find out.


    the best of luck on your research!


    Kind  regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:13PM
  • Dar John:

    Many thanks for your query to the XO message board.  


    I will check that information out for you and let you know what I can find out.


    the best of luck on your research!


    Kind  regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:14PM
  • Dar John:

    Many thanks for your query to the XO message board.  


    I will check that information out for you and let you know what I can find out.


    the best of luck on your research!


    Kind  regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:14PM
  • Dar John:

    Many thanks for your query to the XO message board.  


    I will check that information out for you and let you know what I can find out.


    the best of luck on your research!


    Kind  regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:14PM
  • Dar John:

    Many thanks for your query to the XO message board.  


    I will check that information out for you and let you know what I can find out.


    the best of luck on your research!


    Kind  regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:14PM
  • Fantastic, thank you Jane for your help.  Here's what I have in detail.   The Singleton family was well-to-do and at least some of them are listed as "Landed Gentry".  My great grandfather, who's name was Edward Benjamin Singleton in 1849 in or around Quin Abby, Clare.  This infomation came from him.  He came to the U.S. in 1874.  According to his marriage certificate, his parents were Michael Singleton and Elizabeth O'Leary. 

    The family story goes that Michael died at a young age and this mother wanted Edward to come to England for a better education.  However, Elizabeth (Edward's mother) refused because she was afraid that Edward would lose his Catholic faith.

    Now here's where it gets interesting.  Edward is said to have been very sympathetic towards the treatment of the Irish and was reportedly quite a rebel for the cause.  It seems that he and his brother (Michael Jr) got in some trouble by damaging a government building (post office) and so the Singleton's spirited him off to the U.S., reportedly until things calmed down back in Ireland.  Even to his death in 1930, he was sympathetic to the Irish cause and donated time and money to the I.R.A. movement here in the U.S.

    And so, I have found tons of information on the Singleton's of County Clare including their well documented history and family tree but, for whatever reason, I cannot find any connection between my grandfather Edward Benjamin Singleton and the rest of the clan.

    I've often wondered if he was in such disfavor for his antics that the Singleton family simply disowned him.  During his life in the U.S., he worked almost up until his death for the Railroad, so he apparently didn't have any money or inheretence.

    So that's where I am and if I can get any clues connecting Edward back to Ireland and his Singleton roots, it would be great.

    Best regards,


    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:36PM
  • Fantastic, thank you Jane for your help.  Here's what I have in detail.   The Singleton family was well-to-do and at least some of them are listed as "Landed Gentry".  My great grandfather, who's name was Edward Benjamin Singleton in 1849 in or around Quin Abby, Clare.  This infomation came from him.  He came to the U.S. in 1874.  According to his marriage certificate, his parents were Michael Singleton and Elizabeth O'Leary. 

    The family story goes that Michael died at a young age and this mother wanted Edward to come to England for a better education.  However, Elizabeth (Edward's mother) refused because she was afraid that Edward would lose his Catholic faith.

    Now here's where it gets interesting.  Edward is said to have been very sympathetic towards the treatment of the Irish and was reportedly quite a rebel for the cause.  It seems that he and his brother (Michael Jr) got in some trouble by damaging a government building (post office) and so the Singleton's spirited him off to the U.S., reportedly until things calmed down back in Ireland.  Even to his death in 1930, he was sympathetic to the Irish cause and donated time and money to the I.R.A. movement here in the U.S.

    And so, I have found tons of information on the Singleton's of County Clare including their well documented history and family tree but, for whatever reason, I cannot find any connection between my grandfather Edward Benjamin Singleton and the rest of the clan.

    I've often wondered if he was in such disfavor for his antics that the Singleton family simply disowned him.  During his life in the U.S., he worked almost up until his death for the Railroad, so he apparently didn't have any money or inheretence.

    So that's where I am and if I can get any clues connecting Edward back to Ireland and his Singleton roots, it would be great.

    Best regards,


    Tuesday 19th Mar 2013, 07:37PM
  • Dear John:


    Here is the following information that I was able to get for you:


    Children of Michael Singleton & Eliza (no surname given)

    1.  Eliza  baptised 03/10/1835

    2.  Michael baptised 27/05/1838

    3.  Edward baptised 14/06/1840 (mother is listed as Eliza O'Leary)

    4.  Edward baptised 16/03/1845.


    Child of Edward Singleton and Mary Dillon

    1.  Edward 10/12/1895.


    From the Michael Singleton family, you will note the 2 Edwards.  This is probably due to the death of the first Edward. 


    I hope that that is of some help to you.  Please let me know if you need further help.  Your family history sounds very interesting!


    The very best of luck to you!


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 24th Mar 2013, 07:41PM
  • Dear John:


    Just a PS here, there are no marriages in the Quin register for any Singletons.  I'm thinking that maybe they married in Church of Ireland, Tulla?  Those records are online at  If you scroll down the right hand side, and click on What's New?, you will see that David Brady-Browne transcribed the COI baptismal, marriage, and death registers for the Tulla church. 


    Hopefully this will be of some help.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 24th Mar 2013, 07:50PM
  • Whoa...

    Jane, you may just be on a hot trail that I've been trying to uncover for about 5 years now.

    The second son, Edward Singleton, was baptized in 1845 which fits with the documentation that I have uncovered through family records, census, etc.

    But now here's the interesting part.  Edward was married to my great grandmother Sarah Ellen Mehan...  and they were very, very Catholic.  But, there was this huge scandal that caused a divorce between Sarah and Edward, and you know it had to be bad for them to get a divorce.....  so just maybe, this Child of Edward (10/12/1895) and his mother Mary Dillon that you uncovered are all connected to my Edward Benjamin Singleton, born  in 1845 from Michael Singleton and Elizabeth O'Leary.

    Anyway, I'm thrilled that we may have happened on a new clue... and if you can come up with anything else or provide me with documentation, please send it my way.

    Thank you,


    Sunday 24th Mar 2013, 09:40PM
  • Dear John:

    This get more interesting!!  I'm glad that you have something new to go on.  I have access to some research materials through UL and I will take a further look for you.  


    The best of luck,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 25th Mar 2013, 08:18AM
  • Lastly Jane,

    Can you provide me any details on the baptism information that you found on Edward Singleton "Edward baptised 16/03/1845".... particularly, the Church that he was baptized in.


    Thank you very much for all of your help,


    Wednesday 27th Mar 2013, 06:50PM
  • Lastly Jane,

    Can you provide me any details on the baptism information that you found on Edward Singleton "Edward baptised 16/03/1845".... particularly, the Church that he was baptized in.


    Thank you very much for all of your help,


    Wednesday 27th Mar 2013, 06:51PM
  • Hi John:


    Just a quick thought: Did you look up Edward Singleton in the 1901 census?  It is interesting to note that he is listed as a boarder in Quin, and in the 1911 Census he is listed as a servant?  Would this be the same family do you think?  



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 30th Mar 2013, 09:39PM
  • Jane,

    It is certainly possible and I am going to jump into this with both feet because if this Ed is connected to my Singleton family, it would sure answer a lot of questions.... but then, it would creat many more.


    Sunday 31st Mar 2013, 02:53PM
  • Hello Jane,

    You were kind enough to come up with some information that I have been searching for years on Edward Singleton.  Could you possibly give me the source of the information on the baptismal records you found or the church the ceremonies took place.

    Also, I am extremely interested in Edward's marriage to Mary Dillon and their son Edward 10/12/1895.  Can you tell me where they were married and where the son Edward was born by chance.

    Thank you in advance for all your help...

    Best regards,


    Saturday 11th May 2013, 03:02PM
  • Dear John:


    the records are held in Quin church.  Unfortuntey' the priest is not well at the moment, and I don't know if he is doing any work.  You can access the records through the Mormon church files on microfilm.  Those microfilm rolls go up to 1880.  


    If you like, I can make enquiries on your behalf through XO to see if the priest might be able to assist or someone else with regard to a baptismal record for young Edward born to Edward and Mary Dillon.  


    Let me know.


    Did you ever make contact with Peter Beirne from the Clare County Library?  He was very interested in hearing about someone researching the Singleton family as that is one family that has not been fully researched.  That is worth keeping in mind.  



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 13th May 2013, 07:21PM
  • I would welcome your assistance on obtaining these records from the Quin church and am happy to pay or donate for the time and trouble.


    I am also going to try and contact Peter Beirne right now.


    Thank you Jane,


    Monday 13th May 2013, 07:57PM
  • Dear John:


    I have been meaning to write to you and I hope that you are well.  I have a little more information about the Singleton family as a result of a project that we have undertaken here in Tulla.  If you will email me at, that would be great and I will fill you in as to the details.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 12th Oct 2013, 04:06PM

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