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Searching for more information about my 4 x great grandfather Patrick Moylan, married to Margaret (nee Dalhunty or Doloughty) who emigrated to Australia onboard the Sir George Seymour in Dec 1851 (arriving March 1852) with their 8 children.  His father, my 5 x great grandfather, was Lott Moylan, his mother Mary (nee Callanan), who was a farmer of land in Creevagh Beg & Leaughcarrow, Quin.  I would love to know more about the families life in Ireland and of any living relatives. 

Tuesday 25th Feb 2014, 10:05AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Roslyn:


    Many thanks for your query to the Ireland Reaching Out message board.  I will do some checking for you and let you know in the next week or so.

    If you want to message me with further information, please feel free to do so at


    Kind regards,




    P.S.  I have some Moylan relations in my family and I know of someone in the locality who may have more information for you.



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Tuesday 25th Feb 2014, 05:08PM
  • Hi Roslyn, 

    How have you gone in your search? I'm also interested in Patrick Moylan, Margaret Dalhunty/Delahunty and their parents.

    Somewhere I may have pictures of a Moylan farmhouse in ruins taken by a Moylan descendant who visited many years ago.

    Saturday 28th Jan 2017, 01:16AM
  • Hello

    I too am looking for information about the family information for Lott Moylan and Mary Callinan.


    My research (which i have "dug out" from over 12 years ago) told me I am a decendant of James Moylan (1807-15.4.1877) who married Margaret Slattery(1829 - 14.11.1913), they had 8 children, most who died very young.

    James and Margaret married in 1852 in Ireland - Her parents were Patrick Slattery and Johanna Taylor.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Thank you


    Clair Selby

    Monday 21st Dec 2020, 12:31PM
  • Hi Clair:  have you looked at the Clare Library website?  If not you should check out the links that they have for Clooney and Quin parishes.  The link to the website genealogy section is here:  



    There is a lot of information in both.  I have Moylans in my family tree as well and there are still descendants in the area with other surnames.  

    You can contact me at this email address:

    If you need further help.  

    Happy New Year.  


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Thursday 31st Dec 2020, 09:18PM

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