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Greetings, I am looking for any information relating to my G. great grandparents,

Martin Dooner and Bridget Pillion.

Their son, John Dooner, (my great grandfather) born 1818, native of seven churches Kings county,

sailed to Australia aboard the James Mathieson in 1841,his papers show his mother was dead.

I believe he had more brothers, and I  would like to find out if they were the children of Martin

and Bridget Pillion or Martin and Bridget Sheridan,

I hope someone can point me in the right direction, look forward to hearing from you, Regards Lorna


Saturday 5th Jul 2014, 10:45AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Lorna,

    Many church records can be found online between and

    However having said that, the records for County Clare are only now beginning to come online at rootsireland and there are very few as yet.

    Perhaps you could get in touch with the Clare Heritage centre to see if they have any records pertaining to your ancestors.

    Sorry that I can't be of help,


    Sunday 6th Jul 2014, 10:07AM
  •  Many Thanks Anne, Regards Lorna


    Monday 7th Jul 2014, 02:35AM
  • Dear Lorna:


    Are you assuming that Martin & Bridget (either set) are from Ogonnelloe or from King's County?


    Let me know as I can have a look at Ogonnelloe for you.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 14th Jul 2014, 03:40PM
  • Hi jane,

    Once again many thanks,

    The papers my great grandfather John Dooner had

    when he immigrated to Australia, said that he was a native

    of seven churches, Kings County, he was born in 1818,

    the papers also state his mother, Bridget Pillion was dead,

    I am not too sure where his father Martin Dooner was born,

    I do know Martin re married a lady by the name of Bridget

    Sheridan, Bridget Pillion died before 1841, sorry I dont have any

    more information, I also know John Dooner answered an add in a paper

    for workers bto come to Australia and the person who put the add in was A J Smith.

    John arrived in Australia in 1841 aboard the James Mathieson. Regards Lorna


    Tuesday 15th Jul 2014, 07:08AM
  • Hi jane,

    Once again many thanks,

    The papers my great grandfather John Dooner had

    when he immigrated to Australia, said that he was a native

    of seven churches, Kings County, he was born in 1818,

    the papers also state his mother, Bridget Pillion was dead,

    I am not too sure where his father Martin Dooner was born,

    I do know Martin re married a lady by the name of Bridget

    Sheridan, Bridget Pillion died before 1841, sorry I dont have any

    more information, I also know John Dooner answered an add in a paper

    for workers bto come to Australia and the person who put the add in was A J Smith.

    John arrived in Australia in 1841 aboard the James Mathieson. Regards Lorna


    Tuesday 15th Jul 2014, 07:08AM

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