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I am looking for any relative of our great-grandfather Sinon Curtin born 1811 in Clare County.  Sinon Married Mary (Catharine) Sheehan born 1810. Two daughters, Catharine(1844) and Bridget (1845) were born.  We know that Bridget (Biddie) was Baptised at St. Michael's in Kildysart, Clare.  We were told by our father James Edward Curtin that his grandfather (Sinon) was from Miltown Malbay, Clare.  Sinon, Mary (Catharine) and their two daughters arrived by ship in New York on 22 May 1847.

Sinon lived in upper State New York and earned his living digging the Eire Canal thereby saving his money and buying rich farm land where he built bricks to build his home and began a produce farm, which became very successful.

I'd like to know who were Sinon Curtin and Mary Sheehan parents.

If you know of these ancesters, please cotact me.

Monday 8th Jul 2013, 07:47PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Aileen,

    Thank you for your message. I have forwarded it on to one of our volunteers who hopefully may be able to assist or advise you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 11:00AM
  • Hi Aileen,

    The records in Miltown Malbay start in 1834 so Sinon's birth records would not be available. As first names carry down in families, i will see if there are families of Curtin with the name Sinon. Out of interest, did you ever hear of a Margaret Tobin coming to live with the family as a very young girl around 1870. I have a record of this event which would help connect the Curtins concerned if this is the same family.





    Thursday 18th Jul 2013, 12:48PM
  • Brid,

    Thanks for responding. 

    We had not heard of a Margaret Tobin, because Sinon (John) Curtin's third child, Michael was born on Aug. 15 1853 in Eagle Bridge, Washington County, New York.  Communication with family in Ireland beyond that date was non existant as far as the family knows.




    Thursday 18th Jul 2013, 02:26PM
  • Hello,  I'm  hoping some one could help me find the baptism details for the children of our Great Great Grand parents Nicholas Scallane and Kate Conserdine.  Nicholas appears as living in Parish of Killmuray -  Quilty West (fisherman) on the Griffith's Valuations.  I know I have the correct Nicholas as his son-in- law Matthew Murtagh is living next door.

    The details I have of his three children that came to Australia are:-

    1.   Hanora (known in Australia as Scully) born about 1835 and married Matthew Murtagh  in Millton Malbay about 1855.

    2.  Mary (know in Australia as Scallane)  Approximate birth date should be 1848.

    3. Michael (know in Australia as Scully)  born about 1837.

    I have found a reasonable amount of information on these children in Australia that I would be more than happy to share should anyone be looking for them.

    Thanking You,  Josie


    Sunday 3rd Nov 2013, 02:47PM
  • Hi Aileen,

    I have looked at all the Curtins in the parish and have found no other Sinon. Unfortunately this is no great help. I should have a list of all the townlands in which Curtins lived in the area ready soon and will send a copy to you.

    It may help to narrow it down by knowing the Curtins in the parish in the 1823 tithes and applotments.

    John Curtin Kilfarboy

    Paddy Curtin Legaurd(present day Spanish Point)

    Peter Curtin Clohanmore

    Not that many really. Sinon Curtin could also have been from neighbouring Kilmurray Ibrikane parish which was part of Kilfarboy (Miltown Malbay parish) up to 1840. It may be worth looking at the curtins in this parish also for that period.…




    Brid Talty

    Wednesday 5th Feb 2014, 12:59AM
  • Hi Josie,

    I will do my best to see if i can get Nicholas Scullane and Kate Considine's childrens records for you in the next couple of weeks. Scullane/Scully (interchangeable) was a fairly common name in Cloonlaheen area of the Kilmurray Ibrikane parish. Common also in Inagh parish.

    I am not sure if this is related but have found a record of a birth of a Patrick Scullane b 3 March 1838 in Miltown Malbay to a Nicholas Scullane and an Ellen Kenny. Perhaps there was a second marriage after Michael was born?

    See the list in 1847 for farmers with land and cattle for Inagh parish - mentiones a Michael Nicholas Scullane. This often meant the Michaels father was Nicholas as it was not common practice at the time to give second names. Perhaps this Michael was a brother of your Nicholas. Fore names followed in families.

    There wa also a Michael Scullane married to a Bridget Brosnan in Miltown Malbay having one daughter Bridget Scullane/ Scully baptised 21 Oct 1877. Theses are the only two entries for that name in this parish.

    Marriage records in Miltown Malbay start in 1857 and i will check the records for a Murtagh/Scully marriage but if the daughter of Nicholas was reared in Kilmurray Ibrikand the marriage would have been there.

    It may take a few weeks to search for results.

    Kind regards

    Brid Talty

    Wednesday 5th Feb 2014, 01:23AM
  • Hello Brid,

    My apologies for not replying sooner. I really appreciate you going to this trouble for me. I dream of visiting Ireland and doing some delving myself in the future but that depends heavily on our retirement finances.

     It seems a little strange that there were two Nicholas Scullanes having children in Miltown Malbay around this time but I that that that must have been the case and that perhaps they are cousins.  I don't think it can be our Nicholas who married Ellen Kenny as the spread of births dates of the three children I have (bearing in mind that these dates could vary (especially on shipping records) anything from  1 to 10 years - going by my past experiences) are Hanorah born between 1829 & 1835) she married Matthew Murtagh who was living next door to Nicholas Skillane in Quilty West on the Griffith's Valuation.  Matthew and Hanora together with their son John (born about 1856) arrived in Brisbane in 1863. They must have sponsored Hanorah's sister Mary Scullane (born approx 1847) as she arrives in Brisbane as a remittance passenger (meaning that someone sponsored her migration)  in 1866. They  must also have sponsored Hanorah's  brother Michael (born around (1831) as he and his wife Margaret Kelly arrived in Brisbane under the same immigration scheme in 1874.   So you can see by the spread of ages of these three siblings ( possibly 1829-1847) that  their father Nicholas must have been  married to Kate or Catherine Conserdine for at least this period. 

    The only two locations I am sure of are the Griffith's Valuation record for Nicholas at Quilty West and the fact that Mary Scullane (our 2nd great grandmother) lists Milton Malbay as her birth place on her Marriage Certificate.  She also indicates that her father was a fisherman.  Because Hanorah and Michael were both married in Ireland I don't have details of their marriage certificate.  I 've found in the past that Marriage Certs are the most correct records as by the time of death you are relying on their children's memories.

    The only other snippit of information I've found is Honorah's husband Matthew Murtagh on the  1838  parish census of Milton Malbay living with his parents James Murtagh and Margaret (Peggy) Clohessy at Gortbrach.

    I would be most grateful for any other information you can find.

    Regards,  Josie


    Monday 10th Feb 2014, 12:06AM
  • Hi Josie,

    Yes, the Murtaghs you mention in Gortbrack are in the register.

    James Murtagh and Mgt Clohessy,

    Gortbrack and Ballyvaskin respectively

    Married 1830 - no marriage record available as they started in 1857

    Ann       20 Nov 1831

    Peter      13 April 1834

    Michael   11 Oct 1836

    John        8 May 1839

    Patrick      28 Aug 1841

    Hopefully will get to KIB Parish soon.

    Murtaghs all gone from the area now. Some descendants live near Cellbridge in Co Kildare - near Dublin


    Monday 10th Feb 2014, 10:56AM
  • Hello again Brid,


    Thank you so much for that information. Is just so great when you get something new. Please don't stress or hurry for the other information as i'ts  an ongoing project for me and I'm sure I'll be working on it for years to come. But please be assured that any information is gratefully received. 

    Regards,  Josie

    Wednesday 12th Feb 2014, 06:01AM
  • Hi Josie,

    Just found a Kate Scullane b aprox 1750 married to a Giles Talty in Glendine Miltown Malbay. They were alive in 1839 but gone by 1850. Interesting? Their descendants ended up in New Zealand and AUS.



    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 03:18PM
  • Hi Brid,

    Thanks for that,  I'll do some ferriting my end to see if I can locate them here.  Giles Talty is a bit of an unusal name so that should make it easier.

    Cheers   Josie

    Thursday 20th Feb 2014, 10:07PM
  • There seems to be a link here between the Scullanes of Mount Callan and Clonahinchy which is in Quilty area where your Nicholas Scullane and Murtagh lived.

    Inagh graveyard
    In loving memory of Patrick Scullane, Mount Callen, who died, 14th February 1989, also his
    grand-parents, Nicholas and Mary Scullane, Tom Scullane, Clonahinchy, died, 4th October 1997.
    Erected by Chris, Mary, and Tom.




    Friday 7th Mar 2014, 11:41PM
  • Hi Just saw this post re Scullane family from Mount Callen.

    Was updating my tree  because of Bridget Mcmahon .

    Patrick Scullane  who died 1989 was the son of Patrick Scullane & Bridget McMahon.

    Bridget was the daughter of  Thomas McMahon & Mary Touhy. Thomas is the son of John McMahon of Kealderra Capperoe . His father was Michael.

    John is the brother of my desc Patrick McMahon who married Helen Collins from Coolagoree .

    May be of interest.

    Rae Warwick Qld



    Thursday 21st Dec 2017, 12:25AM

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