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My great great grandfather was Michael Cusack, (farmer) who married Bridget Morgan (c1825). Bridget’s parents were Roger Morgan, (farmer) and Ellen Cahill.

Bridget migrated to Australia in 1869 with two of her three children, Catherine (1855) and James (1856). They joined John (1851) who arrived in Victoria in 1867 and made a home at Warrenheip near Ballarat in Victoria, later settling at nearby Bungaree. All travelled as unassisted immigrants.

Michael, Bridget’s husband did not travel, so I presume he died in Ireland prior to civil registration. I have checked and eliminated the Michael Cusacks registered in County Clare Ireland between 1864 and 1870.

John, (my GGrandfather) and his sister Catherine married and had twelve children each. James remained a bachelor. I have purchased John and Catherine’s marriage and death certificates, as well as all their children’s birth certificates. On all it simply states County Clare with no townland or parish listed. I have also checked the original church registers here in Australia which also state just County Clare. Over many years I have checked the sites on the County Clare Library and on previous visits to Ireland have looked at many of the films of baptism registers.

Having exhausted all avenues here in Australia and many in Ireland, I am seeking assistance in Ireland from anyone who may have come across these combination of names in their research.

In September 2014, I am returning to Ireland, probably for my final visit, and I would dearly like to visit my Cusack family townland. Any assistance in knocking down my brick wall would be very much appreciated.

With thanks,

Bob Cusack (Australia)

Bob Cusack

Tuesday 3rd Dec 2013, 09:31AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello,

    My Cusack relatives lived in Moylett and Gola in County Cavan. I don't know whether we are related or not but you might want to check those areas.


    Wednesday 4th Dec 2013, 03:43PM
  • Thank you for your suggestion Bridget. Having purchased around 30 certificates, all recording that my family came from Co. Clare, I will continue to make that area my main focus, but that is not to say that they did not have relatives in other parts of Ireland. 

    Bob Cusack

    Wednesday 4th Dec 2013, 09:34PM
  • Hello Bob,

    You have done a lot of research , could I ask you where you have checked in Ireland and your online sources?Have you gone to the Clare Studies centre in Ennis?

    How did they get to Australia ?Who paid for it?

    Rootsireland has all the parish records online.I have found it the most accurate site for Irish Baptisms etc.Clare has not been part of the site but I see that it is to join in 2014.

    Could I ask if the certs have the names of witnesses or sponsors?


    A very strong indicator of the parish is another marriage betwween Morgans and Cusacks in Corrofin.

    This time between Thomas Morgan and Mary Cusack in 1864

    This Thomas Morgan's father was Roger Morgan!So it looks like a brother married a brother and sister sisters!


    The Tithe Applotment Book has four Michael Cusacks (1826)


    There are 42 Morgans listed in the Applotment books for Clare.

    There is one (I think ) parish that both families  over lap (Michael Cusack and Morgan) that is Kilmacduane.

    Remember only the Head of house was listed and not all people were listed you had to have over a certain amount of property rented to be listed.



    The other Morgans maybe in neighbouring parishes I am not sure right now.

    Here is Clare Library site on Kilmacduane


    I cannot find any reference in the graveyards.This is disappointing but many graves were unmarked

    I see there are 8 Michael Cusacks in the Griffiths valuation(1847 - 1864)


    But none in Kilmacduane


    As well as these sources there is a Michael Cusack in Newmarket on Fergus who signs the William Smith Petition 1848-1849


    Looking at Death certs I found reference to one possible one of interest.Assuming Michael had died before Bridget went to Australia I have found one Death cert for Michael Cusack 1865 in Ennistymon County Clare aged 60 born 1805.

    Looking at the ennistymon and Kilrush workhouses there are many Cusacks recorded as dying there in March 1850-51 (only year I can find right now) including four Michael Cusacks ages 6months,(Kilrush) 07(Ennistymon),50 (MoyMore),70 (Kilrush) and their parishes are given.


    I make it 10 Cusacks from Kilrush dying in Kilrush workhouse in one year.There are also 3 Morgans recorded as dying in the Kilrush Workhouse.

    BTW Kilrush workhouse was not just for Kilrush.Kilrush  workhouse took people from 10 or so parishes.

    Kifiduan was part of Kilrush workhouse 

    Here is a story of orphans from Kilrush workhouse (Kilmacduane) going to Tasmania.

    note the evictions in Kilmacduane.


    There is a Michael Cusack in Kilrush recorded in Griffiths in 1855


    The townland is Ballynote East.

    I have looked through the graveyards listed for Kilrush.

    There are three Cusacks in Kilcarroll graveyard.

    one from 1865 A Margaret Cusack.


    So there are a few possible places that might be identified.Possibly the witnesses /sponsors might help with this.We might be able to compare what areas their names can be found.

    Kilmacduane has at least evidence of both Cusacks and Morgans there at one time.


    There are other records that show Michael Cusacks in Clare.Some guess work might rule some out.For example there are some minor court issues with the Michael Cusack from Newmarket on Fergus in the 1870s so if we ssume Michael was dead before this then we can rule out this Michael Cusack.

    Kilrush hosted famine events in 2013



    Please get back to me if you have any other bit of information.








    Kilbeacanty Galway

    Friday 6th Dec 2013, 03:07AM
  • Thank you Aine for your reply and the massive amount of research you have done to help me get over my brickwall. I really appreciate your efforts. I will acknowledge your points and questions in the order you have presented them to me.

    My wife and I have been lucky enough to visit Ireland three times, the first as tourists with our son and daughter-in-law, the next two visits we toured but also spent considerable time chasing my family history. I have searched the following films of baptism and marriage registers at the National Library of Ireland and at the Clare Studies Centre in Ennis.
    P2440 Lisdoonvarna Baptisms 1 Jun 1854 – 19 Nov 1876. Lisdoonvarna Marriages not applicable.
    P2440 Kilfenora Baptisms 1 Jun 1836 – 15 May 1847. Kilfenora Marriages from 15 Aug 1842
    Parish Kilfenora, St Fachanan’s Church Baptisms 3 Sep 1854 – 12 Sep 1876. Marriages not applicable
    P2475 Kildysart Baptisms oldest register beginning Jul 1829 with Parish notes.
     Kilnaboy & Rath parishes Baptisms 31 Oct 1862 – 23 Dec 1880
    P2475 Parish Register Killaloe Diocese Rath & Kilnaboy. Marriages 27 Jan 1818 - 25 Feb 1844, 27 Feb 1859 – 26 Nov 1862.
    P2471 Diocese Kilaloe Parish Clondegad. Baptisms 2 Oct 1846 – 29 Dec 1880.
    P2471 Clondegad Parish Marriages 1 Nov 1846 – 20 Jun 1880
    P2471 Tulla Parish Baptisms Jan 1819 – 28 Mar 1846
    P2485 Kilmurray – McMahon & Killofin. Bap. 1845 – 1880. Marr. 1837 – 1880. Death 1844 – 1848.
    P2473 Killaloe Diocese Parish Ruan & Dysart. Bap.18 Aug 1845 – 23 Dec 1880, Marr. 2 Jul 1846 - 23 Jun 1880.
    P2477 Diocese Killaloe Parish Kilnoe & Tomgrany. Marr. 2 Nov 1832 – 4 Jul 1880.
    Diocese Killaloe, Parish Killaloe Register St Harman’s Killaloe. Bap. 24 May 1828 – 19 Jun 1844.
    P2474 Doora & Kilreaghtis. Marriages.
     Parish Register, Diocese Killaloe, Parish Kilmaley. Bap. 23 Sep 1828 – 31 Dec 1880.
    Sixmile Bridge Baptismal Register, Marriage Register.
    Killaloe Diocese, Rath & Kilnaboy Parishes. Bap 14 Apr 1819 – 25 Dec 1836.
    P2440 Diocese Galway, Parish Liscannor. Bap 15 Jun 1843 – 4 Jul 1854.
    I need to check before my next visit to Ireland to find which films I have yet to view. The registers which were recorded in Latin were difficult to decipher and are one’s I really need to re-check.
    I visited the parish office at Ennistymon and the priests at Lissdoonvarna and Corofin with no Michael Cusack and Bridget Morgan marriage or children found.
    I have also searched many sites including Clare Library site, Ancestry, Irish sites, Evictions, Brian Cantwell’s Memorials of the Dead by Eneclann, our Genealogy Society of Victoria (GSV) which has a large selection of Irish records, etc, etc, etc.

    My GGrandfather, John Cusack sailed to Australia in Jul 1867 aboard the “Tornado”. His mother, Bridget Cusack nee Morgan and her other two children Catherine and James sailed from Liverpool in Apr 1869 aboard the “Electric”. All travelled as unassisted immigrants, which meant minimal details were taken from them and there were no bonds involved. It is possible that John sent money back to Ireland for his family’s passage, but he must have had funds to pay his initial fare.

    The certificates I referred to for my family are all from here in Victoria, Australia. There are no Irish certificates for them as there was no civil registration at the time of their births. The witnesses or sponsors on the Victorian certificates were either family members or names not connected with our family, except for Catherine’s  marriage certificate, which is another complete story.

    Catherine’s bridesmaid was a Susan Cusack, a Christian name unusual to our family. My research revealed that Susan travelled to Australia on the “White Star” in Aug 1865. She stated she was 19 years old. She travelled with Mary Lysaght, 40 years old. In Apr 1875, Susan married James Lysaght at Gisborne, Victoria. James mother is Mary Lysaght nee McInerney. Susan died in 1940 aged 90 years. Her parents were Patrick Cusack and Hannah Lynch. They appear on the Clare Library’s Census search forms 1841 & 1851 under the applicant’s name of Mary Cusack, Susan’s sister. The family lived at Ballytarsna. The adjoining property was farmed by Michael Cusack who married Catherine Lynch (two brothers married two sisters). They are also listed on the Census search forms site.…
    James Lysaght’s father was Michael and their farm was in Kilshanny Parish at Carroweragh.  As you are probably aware, this is very close to Ballytarsna.
     On our last visit, my wife and I made contact with the Ballytarsna Cusacks and whilst still keeping in touch, they don’t seem to have much historical knowledge back to the mid 1800’s. Being married to Catherine eliminates this Michael from the list of Michael Cusacks in the Griffith Valuation.

    The Michael Cusack at O’Briensbridge in the Griffiths can also be eliminated as he was a shopkeeper in 1846, not a farmer as both my GGrandfather John and his sister Catherine entered on their Victorian marriage certificates.

    There was also death of Michael Cusack from Lickeen, Kilfenora recorded in 1865, Reg, No 153 at Ennistymon. I have his death certificate and although his wife is Bridget, she is recorded on the Clare Library Census of Kilfenora & Kiltoraght Parishes, 1866. She is recorded as Cusick with a 7 year old child named Bridget. This also eliminates another possibility and is the Michael born in 1805 that you mention in relation to Death certificates.…

    You are correct about the strong indicator with Morgan and Cusack marriages at Corofin.  I have checked the various Freeholder Registry lists for Clare and Ennis and both names appear. My Roger Morgan was a farmer but blacksmithing was a common occupation in the Morgan extended family. I have located six Roger Morgans but one from Deerpark now Woodpark near Ennistymon seems to have remained a farmer. The two Roger Morgans, blacksmiths, from Knocknareeha/Willbrook and Ennis are both too young to be my Bridget Morgan’s father, whereas the Deerpark Roger is the father of the Knocknareeha/Willbrook Roger. This Roger married in 1844 so I think the Roger you have sent me on the LDS site is the Roger from Ennis, although I don’t know when he was born or married.  He was named on Daniel Morgan’s entry on the List of Freeholders Co Clare 1821. Date of registry being15 Oct 1817.

    I have downloaded the Tithe Applotment records for Cusack, Morgan and Cahill (Roger’s Morgan’s wife was Ellen Cahill) All three names appear in Kilfenora and Kilfinane. Cusack and Morgan appear in Clooney and Rath. Cusack and Cahill are listed in 13 parishes. Morgan and Cahill appear in Kilmanahine, which lists Roger Morgan at Deerpark.

    Of the 8 Michael Cusacks in the Griffiths Valuation, the two mentioned above, Kilshanny and O’Briensbridge can be eliminated.

    You mention the Michael Cusack from Newcastle on Fergus. I found this Petition a week ago at the GSV and was looking at that record last night to see if I could eliminate him. Your research has now done that – thank you.  I copied 6 Michaels in Clare and 2 in Limerick from the petition. There were 2 from Ennis, 2 from Newcastle on Fergus, 1 at Tulla and 1 at Kilfeira parish. Each had a different signature number but I wondered if Ennis and Newcastle on Fergus were entered twice.

    The Cusack deaths in the Kilrush Workhouse are either too young or too old. My Bridget and Michael were just beginning their family around 1850. It appears they only had the three children, John 1851, Catherine 1855 and James 1856 as they were the only ones named on Bridget’s death certificate which also usually includes deceased children’s names.

    I have found other Michaels (provided by Declan Barron of Ennis) named in the Clare Journal 26 Mar 1840 – Application to Register as Freeholder, Division of Ennistymon. No. 15 Michael Cusack, farmer, Ardeera, dwelling house and land at Ardeera, Corcomroe Barony.     Clare Journal 15 Jun 1843 - Application to Register as Freeholder, Division of Ennistymon. No. 15 Michael Cusack, farmer, Ardieraw, dwelling house and land at Ardieraw, Corcomroe Barony.
    Two Michaels also appeared on page 2589 of the Irish Ancestor 1969 – 1986 by Rosemary Ffolliott and produced by Eneclann. On this page under the heading “Tenants of Sir Hugh Dillon Massey near Clonlara, County Clare 21 Sep 1844” there is recorded a Michael in Cottage L  and another Michael at Prospect Hill.
    I am yet to verify or eliminate these last four Michaels.

    The Famine Commemoration event is a great recognition of harsh times in Ireland. My extended family of cousins, etc. are waiting eagerly for me to find our roots in County Clare. As many of them have travelled overseas in the past, I hope that someday we can all meet in County Clare to visit our townland, perhaps coinciding with an event such as the Famine Commemoration. I guess I need to keep searching!!!

    Aine, you asked me to get back to you if I had any other bit of information. I hope all this isn’t too overwhelming but I have had more than ten years to collect all this data. I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my information. My wife is a great help to me but a fresh set of eyes looking at my search could show something I have overlooked.

    Kind regards,


    Bob Cusack

    Friday 6th Dec 2013, 10:28PM
  • Dear Bob:


    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  I will have a look in the Tulla parish records for you as there were Cusack families in the parish.  I will let you know in a week or so.  That will rule out one of the parishes for you!

    As mentioned above, the Clare Library website may be a very useful link for you as they have done a lot of work putting resources online.  These include passenger lists, some baptism, marriages and deaths, passenger ship lists, obits, etc.  You should definitely refer back to this site from time-to-time as you may come across some very useful information. 

    I will be in contact.  In the meantime, there is another person researching the Cusack family from Tulla, and I will let him know of your research also.


    Kind regards,


    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 8th Dec 2013, 08:34PM
  • Thank you Jane for your reply and assistance. My wife also says thanks as she might see some of the lovely Irish countyside instead of just the inside of the National Library or the Clare Family Studies Centre on our next trip. I feel sure that I have looked at my ancestors names numerous times, but just can't pick the correct one so any help or advice you can give will be appreciated.

    Kind regards,


    Bob Cusack

    Monday 9th Dec 2013, 10:33AM
  • Dear Bob:


    I have gotten some information that may or may not be of use to you.  Will you message me at





    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Friday 13th Dec 2013, 04:28PM
  • Hi is this message above for me Leonie Alexander

    Friday 13th Dec 2013, 11:08PM
  • Hello Jane,

    I replied to your above email on 14 Dec 2013 to the email address you have shown. Just letting you know in case it has gone missing.



    Bob Cusack

    Tuesday 17th Dec 2013, 01:08AM
  • Hi Bob,  I just saw your posts. Have you found your County Clare Cusack connections?  My GGM Johanna Cusack was from County Clare b. about 1841 in either Kilrush area or New Market on Fergus. She left for America in about 1863 with a note from a parish priest from church in New Market on Fergus giving her a good report in order to find work. She landed in Illinois where she met and married my GGF who had just arrived from Germany, We have reason to belive that her parents are James Cusack b. about 1800 and Johanna O'Rourke b. before 1816 and lived in Kilrush area of County Clare. We believe Johanna's siblings went to Australia in the 1800's.

    Possible siblings: Patrick b. 1824, Mary b. 1826, Martin b. 1827, Thomas b. 1829, Margaret b. 1830, Michael b. 1834, James b. 1837.

    Could our Cusacks be related?  We have hit a brick wall.

    Thanks for any help you might have for me.

    Sharon Turner

    Sunday 25th Mar 2018, 08:19PM
  • Hello Sharon,

    I apologise for the time that has passed since you wrote to me on this IrelandXO site. I was lucky enough to locate some of my Irish Cusacks, but then hit another brick wall and have not been researchng for a couple of years, hence I have not been back to this site since my last post. I guess I am waiting and hoping for some more records to be discovered.

    On our fifth trip to Ireland in 2014 we spent a month there, with our first intention to view every film and other records held at the Family Heritage Centre in Ennis, even though we had viewed most of them on previous trips. Nearing the end of the films on the Friday, around lunchtime I discovered the baptism of my Great Grand Uncle, James Cusack in a register covering Kilmurry-Ibricken with parents Michael Cusack and Bridget Morgan. After lots of photos and a few tears we now had a location in Clare where my family had been living. The Co-ordinator of the Centre, Peter Beirne, mentioned to us that he had heard that some records held at Kilkee had not been photographed. (I had said to my wife, Georgina, following our previous trip, that someday someone will find a box with old records hidden under some stairs somewhere and we will get some answers)

    We made contact with the Presbytery at Kilkee and they invited us to come and check their registers, which we did. We found the marriage of Michael Cusack and Bridget Morgan in 1846 at Rynogonaut on the west coast of County Clare near Doonbeg and the baptism of my GGrandfather John in 1847 at Clohanes, slightly north east of Rynogonaut. We have been unable to find the baptism of Michael and Bridget's daughter, Catherine or any other children.

    We made contact with Paddy Waldron as we could not read the word Rynogonaut and he immediately informed us of the correct spelling and location. He also provided us with information that Michael and his family had been evicted from their home at Rynogonaut.

    That is about where my Cusack research has finished Sharon. I hope by now you have managed to smash through your brick wall and have made many new discoveries.

    Kind regards, Bob Cusack

    Bob Cusack

    Tuesday 10th Nov 2020, 11:47AM
  • Hi Bob:

    I met you at Clare Roots several years ago on one of your trips.  I'm glad to hear that you broke down one brick wall!  Thanks for sharing that information.

    Stay safe and well.


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Wednesday 11th Nov 2020, 11:12AM
  • Hi there, 

    My great grandmother, Ellen Cusack married Darby Killeen, my grrat grandfather. She was born in 1822 and died in 1906. She and her sibs, Thomas, James and Bridget were from Tinnor Beg Cloonadrum, Co Clare near Mullagh where my father Michael Killeen was born in 1903. As far as previous Cusacks, no luck finding so far. 

    Feel free to contact me. Mary B. Killeen, Howell, MI. USA

    Mary Killeen

    Wednesday 11th Nov 2020, 02:50PM

    Hi, I'm a new subscriber. My Grear Grandmother Mary Cusack b1834 Drummeen, Ennis, Clare. Parents James Cusack and Margaret Gallery both buried at Killone Abbey Graveyard. Mary and siblings Michael, Bridget, James. Honora (Nora) Peter, Margaret came to Victoria, Australia most selling in Central Victoria (Castlemaine, Strangways, Kyenton, Lancefield) John and Anne stayed in Ireland. John married Mary and had Michael and John known children. Anne never married.  Although my Cusack's never lived in Warrenheip, my other family did so probably knew each other at that time (Healy surname). It would be great to know more about my Cusack and Gallery families. Mt 2 x Great Grandfather James Cusack b abt 1805 died 17 Aug 1877 (father Michael Cusack abt 1785 mother unknown) and my 2 x Great grandmother Margaret Gallery (Peg) b 1800 Ballybeg, Clare born to Michael Gallery & Mary O'Flanagan ?still working on this.  I believe Gallery maybe  from Galway or Scotland? Still working on this. I have tested DNA on Ancestry, 23&me, My Heritage, Wikitree, and Gedmatch CT9439713 & M710835. Hope to learn about my family in Ireland






    Monday 27th Jun 2022, 07:19AM
  • Attached Files

    Hello Bob

    I am Kevin McKenna from New Zealand.

    I  have a Mary Cuisack botn Co Clare in 1831.  Her parents were James Cisack and Eliza (Maiden surname not known. I have no known siblings.

    Mary Cusack married Patrick Mansfield on 08 May 1855 in Nore Dame Church, Montreal, Canada, Patrick and Mary had 8 chlfren  the lasr being born in 1895 - 2 years before her death.

    Mary died in Montreal, Cnada on16 Mar 1867

    One of her children, Catherine Mansfield, born 25 Dec 1860 in Montreal, married my Great grand uncle James Dinnel Cochrane born 15 Sep 1850 im Kincardine on Forth, Parish of Tulliallan, Perthshire, Perthshire, Scotland.

    Catherine and James had no children.

    James died 28 May 1905 in Montreal. At the time of his death he was the sitting Mayor of Montreal, having been elected in 1902. A largish monument in his honour is standing in Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal, Canada.

    Catherine dies on 14 Sep 1938 at St Mary's Hospital Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    James Dinnel Cochrane's brother Robert McFarlane Cochrane married Catherine Mansfield's sister Bridget Mansfield. She was born to Patrick Mansfield  and Mary Ciusack in 1854 and died o 07 Dec 1909. Robert Cochrane and and Bridget Mansfield had four children and I am in comntact wirh descendants.

    I would be delighted to find that my Mary Cusack is connected to your search.\










    Tuesday 28th Jun 2022, 05:00AM
  • Sorry
    Should read "Hello Michael"


    Tuesday 28th Jun 2022, 05:02AM

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