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I am looking for information about the family of Michael SCULLY who lived in Coolisteige, Kiltenanlea at the time of the 1901 census.  His wife's name was Bridget.  Is there any local history researcher who knows anything about this family or can tell me anymore about their history?  I would particularly like to know where Michael came from orignially and who his parents were.  I have exausted all information available on the Clare Library site.  Any assistance much appreciated.


Wednesday 22nd Aug 2012, 09:37PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kerri,

    For further assistance you might try contacting the Parish administrator for Kiltenanlea directly at :


    Like wise, you could try contacting the local parish offices for help with church records.

    Also provides local genealogy services for a fee. 

    I wish you the best of luck with your research.

    Genealogy support

    Ireland Reaching Out

    Thursday 23rd Aug 2012, 04:10PM
  • Thank you for those suggestions - I am following them up. Much appreciated.


    Friday 31st Aug 2012, 12:16AM
  • Hi

    Scullys were still in Coolasteige in 1911 census. There was Synan Head aged 32 farmer single and Pat S his brother aged 23 farmer single. I will do a bit of digging and see what I can find. I am not familiar with the name in the parish but I will try find out about them.

    In 1901 census Michael was born in Co Clare so it is possible that he was born in Coolasteige. I will see what I can find



    Thursday 6th Sep 2012, 03:35PM

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