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The County Clare Library has a wonderful collection of photos of schoolchildren.  Most of the children are not identified.

Given the focus on people tracing their Irish ancestory this year, my hope would be that everyone would take a good look at these photos and if they recognise any of these children (or can identify anyone in the photos), that they would notify the appropriate people.

I have looked at these photos many times wondering if any of these children are my ancestors and I am sure others have done the same. 

Perhaps newspapers could get on board and publish one or more photos from time to time and ask for assistance from the general public to help identify the people in them.

I think this would be a great way for the media (even television channels perhaps) to get on board and do a great thing for Ireland Reaching Out.




Monday 18th Feb 2013, 09:21PM

Message Board Replies



    Thank you so much for sharing this information on the Ireland Reaching Out message board! It is great that these photographs are available, hopefully this message will make more people aware of them.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 22nd Apr 2013, 03:27PM

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