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Hi - my Madigan family relates to a Timothy James Madigan and a Honora Gilligan who both came to Australia in late 1800's by the Wanata ship and settled in Melbourne Australia.  I found this site by doing a Google search and his name and found a message by a Geoff Tims.  I think I have left a msg on his site but unsure if it worked.  If you are there Geoff please contact my email address.......we have a family connection.  Many thanks. 

Monday 23rd Dec 2013, 05:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Rhonda,

    I see that you have found Geoffs origginal message and posted a response to it. I hope he gets back to you soon-I'm delighted that you have found a connection via the Ireland Reaching Out message baords!

    All the best,

    Genealogy Support

    Thursday 13th Feb 2014, 03:59PM

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