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I have a second cousin that I'm seeking to connect with who is related to my paternal grandmother (whose surname before she married Patrick Keane was I believe Marrinan and I think her name was Helen.)  The Keanes lived just outside of Kilkee. The last time I visited Ireland around September-November 1999 or 2000 I stopped in one of the pubs and was introduced to the proprietors wife.  She is my distant cousin and I'd love to get in touch with her again.  The pub was across the street and down the road from Egan's which was the pub that my father Willie Keane and brothers frequently played their instruments in...the family were all musically inclined and my grandmother might have played the piano.  Patrick was a milkman.  There was a man whose surname was, I believe, Stapleton who was a good friend of the Keanes.  Thanks to anyone who might share some related information.  My grandparents are buried in a local cemetary.  Only the barn existed when I last visited their homestead.  A new house was built over the old but beneath the grass were flagstones from the original cottage kitchen.  There is a little stream running along side the property...Patrick drowned in it coming home from the pub late one evening.  Again, thanks....Alice O'Neill nee Keane  San Pedro, CA.


Thursday 31st Jan 2013, 06:36AM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Alice,


    Thank you for sharing this information on the Ireland Reaching Out website. I hope that someone who recognises the names or places you have mentioned here gets in contact to share information.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support



    Wednesday 27th Mar 2013, 04:32PM

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