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Looking for Lynches born in Kinauly and Killballeuone, County Clare 1800's. US grave markers state each location. Cannot locate areas through the normal search, know they exist or did. Interested in the locations of each relative to 1800 on a map, or now relativbe to a current identifiable town in Clare. Thanks, C. Lynch

Tuesday 4th Jun 2013, 04:13PM

Message Board Replies

  • C. Lynch:

    The second name is easier--Kilballyowen which is a townland and a civil parish in the very end of southwest Clare.

    The first name Kinauly is more difficult. The closest I can find is Kineilty which is in Kilmacrehy civil parish. This parish is on the west coast of Clare near Liscannor, Lahinch and not far from Doolin.

    If you have not visited the Clare Library site, you may want to check it out.


    Roger McDonnell




    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 4th Jun 2013, 04:50PM

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