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Family background

-Michael Considine - Ardeamush 1825-1904 - wife Margaret Joyce (Killilagh Parish)

   Children Mary Agnes (Australia), Bridget (Australia), Ellen (US), John (Australia), Catherine (Ireland), Michael (Ireland - see below)

-Son Michael Considine 1861-1936 (Ireland - Clare) - wife Bridget O'Loughlin Larkin (her second marriage)

  Children Michael (below) and John (born in 1890) - my mystery relative - CANNOT FIND ANYTHING

-His son Michael Considine 1884-1951 (Canada) - wife Christina Lister (much time in India as soldier)

  This is my grandfather

-Know all the children of Michael 1825 and where they went (mostly Australia)

Seeking following information:

Parents of Michael (1825) - I believe it is Patrick (1800) or possibly Andrew

Whatever happened to John Considine (1890) - see above - he appeared in 1901 Census, but not 1911 Census.  Have no clue what happened to him.  Did he die?  Did he end up getting sent to Australia as prisoner?  Did he become a priest?

I have much to share on the above and any help on the info I seek would be appreciated

Christopher M. Considine

Boston, Massachusetts (USA)

Thursday 6th Mar 2014, 03:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • Christopher:

    I checked the civil death index records for 1901-1911 and did not locate a John Considine born 1890 in the Ballyvaughan or Ennistymon registration districts so I don't think he died. He either emigrated or was working in another part of Ireland. I looked at all the John Considines in Clare in the 1911 census. I found 2 that were roughly his age in the 1911 census who were working as farm servants. Both were in the eastern part of Co. Clare far from Lisdoonvarna.

    Roger McDonnell


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 6th Mar 2014, 05:43PM
  • Roger,

    I really appreciate you digging into my question.  All my relatives lived in the Lisdoonvarna area.  I came across the John that was a servant in the Dooley family and tried to find him to no avail.  While in Ireland last summer, I had heard he may have relocated to Athlone, but I struck out on that lead also.  I did find a John Considine that relocated to South Africa, the birth date was off a year, yet I do realize that birthdates and ages may be off.  That too did not lead to anything.

    If there any Dooley researchers out there that might know of a servant named John Considine born in 1890, please reach out to me.  I have previously tried to no avail.  I may head off and now search Ellis Island records to see if perhaps he came to the US.  Very frustating.

    Again, thanks for your response.




    Christopher Considine

    Thursday 6th Mar 2014, 06:55PM

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