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Bridget KEANE (KANE in Canada) married John TROY.  I found two of their four children baptised in Killadysert parish: Michael, 1838 August, oldest, and Mary, child #3,    but I could not find child #2, John and child #4, Patrick.  

I think this parish was Bridget's family, as I see other KEANEs (that could be Bridget's brother or cousin) having their children christened but no other TROYs.  So, where did John TROY come from?   A town was mentioned in the record on the right hand column but the copy I read was hard to discern. I can't tell what it sais and I am not familiar enough with the townland's names in Clare.

I have their children's information on Wolfe Island, Frontenac County, Ontario province, Canada, and when the family moved to Rochester, Monroe county, New York State, USA in the late 1880s. I have their spouses names, and some stories about some of the TROY sons.  Most are buried in Rochester.  

Michael returned to Wolfe Island after his wife died in 1892 in Rochester, (childbirth I think, child #14 or so).  The rest remained in Rochester.  If anyone knows this family, TROY or KEANE, I'd like to share information. I have photos of them on Wolfe Island. My dad was given a photo album from the late 1890s and 1910 showing all the TROYs.  I think Bridget (nee KEANE) TROY is in there as well.   I am still searching for Mary, third child of John and Bridget TROY - I think I found her but I'm not sure yet. I think she married a man named HOWARD, and was in Rochester NY at one point. I need to contact their descendents to learn if this is the same woman. Her birth year is correct, and a Monsignor BURNS (now deceased) told my mother that Mary had married a man named HOWARD - so maybe it is her.  Don't know yet.

Her brother Patrick and family, and John and his family, were in Rochester also and I've documented their families pretty well also.

I would love to know more about my family.  Thanks for reading all this.

Pat Troy Demers

Patricia TROY Demers

Thursday 17th Mar 2016, 08:32PM

Message Board Replies

  • Pat:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Can you provide the date including month of the baptism that you mention where you could not determine the townland? Thanks!

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 17th Mar 2016, 08:46PM
  • Michael TROY, christened in Killadysert parish to JNO TROY and BRI KEANE (John and Bridget) 18 Aug 1836.

    Mary, his sister, was christened same parish only it was 1846.  I haven't found their two brothers, John (Jr) and Patrick.

    Pat Troy Demers

    Patricia TROY Demers

    Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 02:53AM
  • Pat:

    Looks like the name was Crannybridge. It not  an official place name but I did find this link on the Co. Clare library site. 


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 21st Mar 2016, 04:44PM
  • m

    Hi Pat -

    Child #14 you mentioned was my grandfather,  Hugh Aloyious TROY. He married Ruth Short and their only child is my mother Hollis Jane Troy O’Brien who is 88.  We live in Rochester and were vacationing in the 1000 Islands with a view of Wolfe Island when I searched the net for Troy and Wolfe Island. I would love to be able to see the photos you mentioned. 




    Tuesday 17th Jul 2018, 09:28PM

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