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I am trying to locate the birth records and family of Jane (Jennie) Adelaide MacNamara - name was sometimes spelt Macnamara or McNamara - who was born 1879 to 1881 in Killadysert.  Her father was Patrick ODonnell MacNamara of Woodlawn Killadysert and she married Thomas Fairchild Day of Ilfracombe Devon in London England in 1910. According to the memorial in the Killadysert churchyard she had a brother named Frederick James McNamara 1873-1899 and I think there was a sister or cousin named Frances.  Thank you for any help. 

Monday 15th Apr 2013, 08:49PM

Message Board Replies



    Thanks for message and your interest in Ireland Reaching Out

    I did a quick search on and it throws up two Civil Registration Indexes for births of a Jane McNamara in Killadysert. One is from 1879 and the other is from 1880.

    Considering that you know Jane’s father’s name, you could obtain copies to find out Jane’s mothers name. Civil registration records are available from the General Register Office (GRO). These start from 1864. You can access the website here:

    Jane’s birth record could also give you the family’s place of residence at the time of her birth.  A copy of her parent’s marriage records; church or civil would open up a previous generation to you as they could give you both of Jane’s grandfather’s names and also where they lived.

    Most Catholic records are held locally - One site which might be of use is - - where you can ‘browse’ an overview of available records per county. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for possible assistance.


    Best regards Michael

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 29th Apr 2013, 12:48PM
  • Thanks a lot Michael for your help.  I am very pleased to have received a reply to my message.  I had looked up the birth registrations but had been halted by the fact that one was for an 1880 birth and death of an infant so I didn't know if the 1880 birth record that you mention was actually for this infant.  Presumably there is always a birth as well as a death registration completed for a new born who dies shortly afterwards.  I was told by another family member that there was still family living in Killadysert and I was hoping that I would be contacted.  I am related by marriage to the Day family of Jennie's husband and am creating a History.  Anyway, your message cleared my mind and I will set forth and get the certificates and hope that one of them has the relevant details for me to progress further.  Thanks again.  Valerie of skybluepink

    Monday 29th Apr 2013, 07:04PM

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