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I've just learned my GG Grandfather, John Meade (1847-1925) was born here in Cragg. Can anyone tell me what records are available for Cragg? Are school records available?


thanks in advance,



Monday 23rd Feb 2015, 08:57AM

Message Board Replies

  • Beth:

    As background there are actually four townlands called Crag/Cragg in Co. Clare including the one in Kilfiddane civil parish. RC records do not start until 1868. You may want to check the Co. Clare library genealogy site to see what info is available for Kilfiddane.

    I located one Meade family in the 1901 census.…

    Maybe one of our parish liaisons in Co. Clare will have more information.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 23rd Feb 2015, 06:12PM
  • Hi Roger, I have been doing more work on my Meade family. John Meade is the son of a Thomas Meade from Cragg. I think the wife's name may be a Coughlan. John had a son, Michael Meade who married a Griffin.

    There was an Anne Meade who married a McDonnell so perhaps we are distantly related. I have not figured out if Anne is a sister to John or a cousin.
    So no records are available for the 1840's? Is it that they are not available online or are there none period?

    Saturday 22nd Oct 2016, 05:50AM
  • Beth:

    Right, no RC records before 1868. I did check the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Lilfiddane parish and there was a Thomas Meade listed in Crag


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 23rd Oct 2016, 02:04PM
  • I looked again at the census record you posted. I think I just found the probate records for Michael with Patrick as the beneficiary. Now to figure out if they are co. Texted to my John Meade who was born in 1847 or 1848. Michael could be a brother or uncle. Hmmm thank you for your help on this. I am trying to push in the next generation.

    Sunday 23rd Oct 2016, 05:13PM

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