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I have a photo album of Michael's family, some siblings and parents on Wolfe Island, Canada (Ontario province). They arrived in Canada 1850s. Someone from Kingston Canada said they were in the Canadian 1851 census-I didn't see them there but they are property owners by 1861: John the dad, Michael (oldest child), John (Jr, child #2) and Patrick (youngest son, child #4). they had a sister Mary, who may have married a HOWARD in Canada or Rochester, New York, USA. I found a Mary Howard, right age, but I'm not sure if it is this Mary TROY yet. I need to contact the Howards today and see if they know.)

Why did John (Sr) and Bridget bring their four kids to Canada? How did they afford it? They were not indentured servants at all. I am working to get the property records for Wolfe Island to find out the year they brought their farmlands, and may be further information about them. Michael had an old boat and rescued so many individuals on Lake Ontario that the Canadian government wanted to give him a watch. He wrote them back say ing thanks but I'd rather receive a new boat.  Great story and we have the letters, or, copies of the letters.

A relative in the southern tier of New York has the watch the Canadian govt did give Michael.

Hope to hear from someone related to the TROYs or and KEANEs, wherever you live.

Pat Troy Demers

Patricia TROY Demers

Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 03:07AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi, I am therese Caine and looking for Kane/ Keane ancestors.  I potentially have a great great aunt, Bridget Keane/ kane from Co Clare.  My GGF was Cornelius kane, possibly her brother.  Do u know any more details about Bridget?  I am in Aus.  Cornelius came here in 1866.  My bridget date is birth 24/12/1839.  Tks so much  


    Sunday 20th Mar 2016, 10:24AM
  • Therese Caine -  The date of Bridget's birth is too late for my GGG Grandmother. Her husband was born 1811-1818, and her first child, Michael, was christened on 1836 August 18. If he was born in 1836, then Bridget might have been 16 or 20, putting her birth year to be approximately 1816-1820. There was a Thomas KEANE who had children being christened in the same church as my GGGrandfather, Michael, and his sister Mary.  I think on this site I saw more than one Bridget KEANE or KANE; I didn't see CAINE but that is simply people spelling phoenetically or the best they could when names were written down on a list at a church or the harbors they entered. I don't think the average Irish citizen could read all that well; maybe they could, I don't actually know. I might have seen a Cornelius, also.

    Pat Troy Demers

    Patricia TROY Demers

    Friday 25th Mar 2016, 12:08PM
  • Good to hear from you Pat and Thankyou.   Have you done geneology DNA tests?

    Monday 28th Mar 2016, 11:03PM
  • Good to hear from you Pat.  I have come across lots of information through DNA testing.   Including that there are kane's down near where you are looking - west Clare.  I am primarily looking in East Clare, but have had a match or 2  from people in West clare.  Hear from you again, one day.  I am going to Clare for 2 weeks in Sept, from Aus.


    Tuesday 17th May 2016, 10:51AM
  • You are going to find that East vs West Clare won't be a true decisive dividing line.  People moved about their 'areas' and 150 years ago it was only Clare.   

    Like, Corrowreagh was only one place, but today, it has been 'divided '   into East and West.   I only know that John Troy and his wife Bridget Kane/Keane more likely, had four children, lived in that Carrowreagh townland, but I don't know today an address. I've love to go to the old records there and find out if there were maps showing who lived on which plot of land. So far, I haven't found it online.

    Patricia TROY Demers

    Wednesday 18th May 2016, 05:05PM




    Can I ask you where you live and how you came about the photo album with Michael Troy? He is my great great grandfather.

    Sunday 26th Jun 2016, 02:27AM
  • Mary Troy, daughter of Patrick Troy and Mary Manning of County Clare, married Matthew Howard also of County Clare. Matthew Howard and Mary Troy had a daughter Bridget, born in 1853.  She is my great-grandmother. Not sure where she was born but she lived and died in Rochester, NY.


    Sunday 2nd Oct 2016, 04:55PM
  • It appears three for sure, or maybe four, of us are cousins.  So I am addressing the three of you at the same time:

    Theresa, No I haven't done any DNA testing;  I'm not trusting of that tree limb just yet... 

    Kathleen !!   Mary Troy, sister to Michael/Mical?  Monsignor Burns, deceased, had told my mother years back that Mary was married a HOWARD.  At first, I was looking at your message, thinking it was no relation, but then a second look made me see HOWARD.  We are related.  How exciting is this?  Are you in the US or Ireland, or AUS? I used to search for HOWARDs on Wolfe Island, etc, only slightly in Kingston... Where did Mary and Matthew HOWARD meet up, get married, and did they also go to Rochester (ROC) when Michael and (brother) Patrick did? I think John, the third brother, went to ROC also but I'm not certain about that yet. I found that Patrick was fishing in NYS for a bit before going to ROC; he was working on Lake Ontario, north of Oswego NY, which is north of Syracuse. 

    Did you know Michael rowed out onto Ontario so often to save souls from shipwrecks, that the Canadian govt sent him a letter telling him they were giving him a gold watch? He wrote back, thanking them but if they really wanted to do something, he'd prefer a new boat. Pretty interesting, and humorous. I'm sure he was serious, and hopeful. They gave him the watch.

    Greg, I received the photo album of TROYs on Wolfe Island from my Dad. I assume he received it from his Father who was b on Wolfe Island. It is 1870s-1880s, and no one is identified. I think the house porch was where Michael TROY and Mary CROWLEY raised their children, on Long Point. I'd be happy to scan and email photos to any of you, if you would like. Patrick and John seemed to live  more inland, as I recall from the old maps. I looked at them again a couple of months ago; I'm not certain who was where right now, exc that Michael was definitely on Long Point. Long Point sticks out the farthest into Lake Ontario, stretching westerly. 

    I was told years ago that when Michael, Mary (wife) and children went to Rochester for work, within a year or two, Mary was pregnant again with child #13 or 14 and she died in childbirth.  By this time, 1892 February, some of the kids were out of school and gainfully employed in offices and the trades.  Within a couple of years or more, Michael wanted to move back to Wolfe Island; he still owned his house there. The older children said no thanks, and he left, with the older kids raising the young ones, keeping them in school, etc.  Back on Wolfe Island, Michael met an old acquaintance, Mary O'Reilly, whose family owned the village store in the 1900s. He married her, and they both died between 1910 and 1915. 

    Ever been to Wolfe Island? It is beautiful, windy, and I can imagine the snow must be wild in Winter. Today some man from Toronto owns Long Point, raises horses, and there was a bull in the field.  My kids and husband surprised me on a vacation one year - instead of going home, we were on the QE Hwy, we drove to Kingston to board the ferry; I'd been asleep  and was completely surprised. It was a great day. We found a rotted out shanty building with tin roof pieces laying around, where they may have kept feed for the animals.

    Mary CROWLEY, Michael's wife, and most of her siblings were b on the island; her father was Hugh, b Ireland, who used to be in the Irish Constabulary (now called the Royal Constabulary or something like that, in Ireland). Mary's mother was Honora HAGERTY/HAGARTY. I haven't found Hugh in Ireland yet. I haven't found what ship he, Honora and son Charles sailed on. Chas was a baby, b in Ireland;    as I said, rest of the CROWLEY children were b on the island.

    Michael's brother Patrick married Jane CROWLEY, sister to Mary. I have many of their records also but not enough to really know their stories.  I'm thinking of getting land records and their probate records next in Rochester, NY. 

    I don't know where in Ireland John TROY was from, father of Michael, John, Mary and Patrick - maybe he was from Co Cork, which wasn't that far in those days?  ...  a work acquaintance from Kiladysart, been in Boston for 25 years, said young men would ride or walk to dances, barn raisings, etc, miles and miles for socializing;     I definitely found his wife Bridget KEANE /KANE 's christening. That was exciting.  I found the christening in Ireland for Michael and Mary but not Patrick and John - yet.  The parish records microfiled aren't complete, when you see the incomplete index (stops during the S surnames) so I doubt the full records of events is there also. 

    Last thing, for this email: Let me know if you'd like scanned copies of the photos from Wolfe Island. Maybe you have pictures with names on them?  We could cross reference, who looks like who.    Theresa is in Australia. My husband has a cousin who is a citizen there now, married to a local, and he gave up his US citizenship.  Greg and Kathleen, are you in New York?  I hope to go visit family again this Fall.


    Patricia TROY Demers

    Tuesday 4th Oct 2016, 10:48PM
  • I failed to mention, Michael TROYs watch survived.  A relative has it in a drawer in New York. I've never seen it, but a photo was sent to me.


    Patricia TROY Demers

    Tuesday 4th Oct 2016, 10:50PM
  • Hi Pat, we are related but I am not yet sure how.  I am in the USA in Maryland. I actually called you about 20 years ago at the suggestion of Sister Agnes Cecilia Troy.  She and my mother, Alice A. (McCarthy) Scheg, knew they were related.  I believe they both went to Nazareth High School in Rochester, New York.  Also, a Michael Troy was my grandmother, Alice M. (Riley) McCarthy's godfather.  I also grew up hearing about Msgr. Burns and recently came across his death notice in my parents papers.  I believe the Mary Troy who married Matthew Howard married a Peter Burns after Matthew died. I was told that both Matthew and Peter died young.  

    The Mary Troy who married Matthew and Peter does not appear to be your Mary Troy, since her parents were Patrick Troy and Mary Manning.  Could this Patrick be a brother of your John Troy and we connect at that level?  

    Also, when I was in Clare about 20 years ago, I was told by a Troy, that all the Troys of Clare are related.  That is anecdotal but probably true.  I hope we can connect the dots someday.




    Wednesday 5th Oct 2016, 04:13PM
  • Pat,

    The Mary Troy who married Matthew Howard was born around 1824 and died June 1900 in Rochester,New York.  I believe your Michael Troy was born was born around 1843 so his younger sister Mary would be about 20 years younger than the Mary Troy who married Matthew Howard. Based on the dates, Mary Troy Howard Burns might have been Michael's aunt but not his sister. How did you find where John Troy and family were from in Ireland as that is probably the same place Mary Troy Howard Burns is from and I would like to see what I can find about her Ireland history. Maybe it will lead us to how we are related.


    Thursday 6th Oct 2016, 02:13AM
  • Greg,

    You may already have this but it heled me to see the Troy-Lawson connection.  The 1925 New York state census has John and Julie Troy, husband and wife, with daugher Monica B. and son-in-law William J. Lawson on 253 Clay Ave. Also a 30 day old son John J.  So I see our connection.  Do you have any info on where the Troys were from in Clare? I have tons of Rochester info but I want to find where we were from in Clare so I can visit there and hopefully even meet some relatives in summer 2017.


    Thursday 6th Oct 2016, 04:31PM
  • Kathleen and Greg, I am in Hooksett NH. I knew about Monica Lawson being a cousin. My father's album was given to him by his brother, Art, or his Mother, maybe after his dad, Ed Troy, died. Ed is Mical's son along with a dozen other children. Two Troys were baptized (see above) in 1836 1838. I don't know about the two younger brothers. Greg, my Mom was friends with Monica. My mother is still alive. 98 this year. I was in Rochester last week. Are you still in Rochester?  Also, Greg, was your grandfather John Troy, whose wife was Julia O'COnnor.   I wish I could write you on ancestry. or  I rarely go to irelandxo. It has been several years.

    Pat Troy Demers




    Patricia TROY Demers

    Thursday 19th Dec 2019, 12:55AM
  • Greg Lawson, I have connected our families.  Your MIchael Troy married to Mary Crowley is my Mary Troy Howard Burns nephew.  According to ancestry that makes him my first cousin three times removed. Monica B Troy is my third cousin once removed.  How do you connect to her and her husband William Joseph Lawson?



    Sunday 2nd Aug 2020, 05:05PM

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