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Researching my family's Irish ancestry. My GGrandparents were from Coolmeen, County Clare. A response from an earlier post on a message board on County Clare site said there were 2 Coolmeens and they thought I should be looking in Coolmeen, Kilfiddane. My GGrandparents were Sinon Kelly and Bridget Della Hehir both born in Coolmeen and left around 1890 to go to America. Sinon's parents also were from Coolmeen, Matthew Kelly and Mary O'Donnell. They also came to America. Any information or direction to continue research would be appreciated. Thanks so much


Monday 8th Apr 2013, 02:48AM

Message Board Replies


    Hello Joseph

    Thanks for your message

    I did a search on using Sinon’s parent’s names and records regarding two of their children. The children’s place of birth is Labasheeda. Labasheeda is 5 kilometres from Collmeen.'donnell~

    Do the children’s names correspond with your research?

    The next step you can take is to find church and civil records of the family births/ baptisms and marriages. The record of Matthew and Mary’s marriage could give you both their fathers’ names, their occupations and the places they were residing at the time of the marriage. This information will help open up a previous generation to you.

    Civil registration records are available from the General Register Office (GRO). These start from 1864. You can access the website here:

    Most Catholic records are held locally - One site which might be of use is - - where you can ‘browse’ an overview of available records per county. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for possible assistance.

    Do you have any more information about Bridget Della Hehir?

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search

    Best regards Michael

    Genealogy Support

    Friday 26th Apr 2013, 12:54PM
  • Hi joeb424,

    Your message came up in a google search while I was having a late-night deep dive down an Irish rabbit hole. It turns out that I am descended through my mother's side from Matthew Kelly and Mary O'Donnell from Coolmeen. If you are still on this site, I could scan and send you the few notes I have, which are limited mainly to a list of siblings (they had 11 children!). My GG-Grandfather was Martin Kelly, your GGrandfather Sinon's brother, and it happens that my nephew got the name Sinon. That name in your post immediately jumped out at me before I got through the first sentence.

    J RIgs

    Friday 19th Mar 2021, 10:38AM
  • Hi J Rigs,

    After receiving your email, I was looking through my notes on the Kelly family and I saw the name Maureen Kelly Rigley. Is that your mother? Is she Martin's daughter? I believe I have all the children of Matthew and Mary O'Donnell Kelly, I have 11 children listed. In a previous email from this message board I was told that two of Matthew and Mary's children were born in Labasheeda, which is 5 kilometers from Coolmeen. I have Matthew's parents as Thomas Kelly and Johanna McMahon, but nothing beyond that.

    Are you in the United States? I live in Susquehanna PA an old railroad town. I originally thought that Sinon and Della Hehir were married in Ireland and came to this country together. But I found out they came separately, and met in Binghamton NY. They married and moved to Susquehanna where Sinon worked on the Erie Railroad, which was booming in the late 1800's.

    I would be interested to see what you have on the Kelly family. Every little bit helps.

    Joe Bucci

    Saturday 20th Mar 2021, 12:21PM
  • Attached Files
    Kelly_notes1.pdf (255.76 KB)
    Kelly_notes2.pdf (193.29 KB)
    Kelly_notes3.pdf (246.6 KB)

    Indeed, Maureen is my mother and I'm her eldest Joe Rigley (nevermind my username). I'm living in Denver, CO area, far from any other relatives.

    My mother's father was Joseph Kelly, and his father was Martin Kelly, son of Matthew Kelly and Mary O'Donnell. Joseph Kelly resided in Buffalo, NY area and there are many descendants there now through his son Patrick (now a great-grandad), as well as a network of cousins and such that surely extends to you. Unfortunately I grew up in CA with rare contact with that part of the family so I don't have much to offer there.

    Attached are notes my mother made for me when I visited Ireland in the late 90's, which contains all the information I have. Mom is in her eighties now living in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico, where she loves it. She would probably love to talk your ear off about all of it if you are interested. I'll also ask if anyone in the family has more information they can share, it's possible someone has pulled a lot of it together.  



    J RIgs

    Sunday 21st Mar 2021, 06:32PM
  • Hi Joe,

    Thanks for the info. I had most of it already from another cousin, Joan Kelly Dempsey in Buffalo. A few years ago I decided, out of the blue, to give her a call. She was surprised to hear from someone from Susquehanna. She used to visit here years ago when my grandmother Catherine Kelly Simonetti was alive. I didn't remember her but my older sister Connie did.

    I'd love to talk to your mother. The Kelly family information here is dwindling since we are aging and getting farther away from those that have first hand knowledge of the family.

    I'll gather my info on what I have of the Kelly's and send it to you. You can email me direct if you prefer. My email is


    Monday 22nd Mar 2021, 02:13PM
  • Hi Joe,

    I found your post almost ten years later but wanted to share that my paternal grandmother is a Hehir and her family going back many generations are from Labasheeda (sometimes listed as Slievedooley) County Clare. Good chance we share some ancestors.  Thanks!


    Thursday 10th Nov 2022, 05:51AM
  • PS: My great grandparents from Labasheeda were James Patrick Hehir born 1863 who married Delia O'Neill. One of their children, Mabel, was my paternal grandmother. 


    Thursday 10th Nov 2022, 05:54AM

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