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Seeking information on Daly family with these vague facts.

Family name Daly. Father (?) died in Ireland. Eldest son (stepson?) John migrated to Australia before 1861. Widow (uncertain first name) joined son in Australia with 3 other children in 1861. Second son Patrick. Other children may be girls? Irish home area - Miltown Malbay.

Planning pilgrimage & would like to see local area & their home if information available.

Friday 29th Jan 2016, 11:40AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dalyville:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I don't think I can assist you with the information presented. Here is a link to the RC parish register for Kilfarboy.

    Records start in 1831. You may want to review the register to see if you can find some records for your Dalys.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 29th Jan 2016, 08:56PM
  • Thanks for prompt response Roger. Those records must be gaelic as I can't  read them. But I did see name Marrinan on some pages. Since my first post some genealogical info. has come to me from family. These were Australian death records which show that the 'Widow' who left Miltown Malbay in 1861 was born Hannah Marrinan in Miltown in 1818. Her parents were John Marrinan and Mary Tine.

    She apparently came to Australia with her husband, Michael Daly, born 1802 at Miltown and married to Hannah in 1843 (presumably at Miltown).  I wrote him off early but he died in Australia in1869. His parents were Patrick Daly and Mary Devot. (No d.o.b etc on these older generations.

    Their children were probably born in Miltown. My GGF, Patrick, was born in 1845. His older brother John, and  Michael, James & Hanora were also probably Irish-born. Also deceased children, no doubt locally buried.

    While I am not a keen genealogist, I'd love anyone to point out Irish records that confirmed (or rebuked ) those dates. What I would like as a geographer is to have community members point out (if possible) where the Marrinans or Dalys may have town, on a farm, by the sea, etc.

    Thanks again.

    Monday 1st Feb 2016, 11:47AM
  • Dalyville:

    Usually the early registers were in Latin. I looked at the 1845 register and those records are in English. The handwriting won't win any prizes. The basic format is name of child son/daughter of father, mother followed by the witnesses and maybe where the family lived. On this register and others you will see a 2 and 6  which was the payment for the baptism. I did not see Patrick Daly but he could have been born before 1845.

    Here is the 1855 Griffiths Valuation head of hosuehold listing for Kilfarboy parish. There is a Michael Daly in the town of Milltown Malbay. Also four Marrinan records.

    Getting back to the parish register. Marriage records do not start until 1856.

    Let me know if you have questions or if I can help more with the register


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 1st Feb 2016, 07:27PM

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