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I am trying to find further information of my GG grandmother Catherine Dwyer, nee Buckley, who was born about 1803 and married Thomas Dwyer who died quiet young in Ireland.  No dates as yet.

She apparently remarried to husbands Clancy and an Edward Moloney. No dates as yet.

Catherine outlived all of her husbands and lived as an old lady in Australia with her son, Michael and family.

Mr Clancy may have been the first husband but Moloney was the 3rd. and they had two daughters.


As young men aged 20 -22, GG Catherine's son, Michael, a cousin, Thomas Dwyer, and another cousin, Dennis Moloney, sailed together on the Nepaul in March 1855 to Australia where several of their sisters were already living in Sydney.  Names are Catherine, Bridget and Mary.(NSW Shipping records 1855) GG Catherine had paid for the fares of the three young men. Fifteen pounds each. (Colonial Treasurer's Report of 1854.)

GG Catherine's parents were Thomas Buckley and Catherine Fitzgerald.

One record showed a Catherine Dwyer as landholder at Sixmilebridge, and some suggest that the family owned land at Cappawhite.

Any information and clarification about the families' origins would be most appreciated.

Thankyou, Roisin.


Roisin D

Wednesday 29th Jan 2014, 12:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your message. I hope that someone with information makes a connection with you.

    In the meantime you should have a look at the Clare County library?s page on family history. They have an excellent collection, including donated materials which can sometimes be very helpful. Here is the link

    Best of luck!

    Genealogy Support

    Friday 7th Mar 2014, 10:43AM

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