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I am researching my Dwyer origins in the Tulla area.

Facts: Assisted passage shipping records to New South Wales, Australia, in 1855 list my G.Grandfather, Michael Dwyer arriving with his two cousins, Thomas Dwyer and Dennis Moloney, all from 'Tullagh' Clare.. These young men were aged 20,21 and 22 according to the records and had sisters living in Sydney. Catherine, Mary and Bridget Dwyer.

They were Roman Catholic and able to read and write. A 'Catherine Dwyer' paid their 3 fares on the NSW deposit journals in 1854.

Michael's parents were Thomas Dwyer and Catherine (nee Buckley).

Parents of Thomas were John Dwyer and Margaret (nee Buckley).

Mrs C.Dwyer (mother of Michael) as a widow, later married Edward Moloney. She and two Moloney daughters, Catherine and Mary, joined Michael in Victoria, Australia. He later  married Bridget Donnelly from Co.Clare. He and his cousins had purchased farms in Victoria by 1857.


What church records could hold information re. the parents etc. of my G.Grandfather and his siblings etc.? Are their any records which would give information on his mother Catherine nee Buckley, (Mrs Dwyer/Mrs Moloney)? I believe they were farmers and owned property.

How was land soldup to emmigrate? What was customary for the widow of the landholder if she remarried etc.?

Any leads appreciated. Thankyou.



Roisin D

Saturday 26th Apr 2014, 07:03AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Roisin:


    Many thanks for your query to the Ireland Reaching Out Message board.  

    The parish registers in Tulla go back to 1819, however, there are many gaps in same.  I will have a look for you and I can tell you that there are others who are researching the Moloney name as well.  If you give me about a week or so, I will get back to you.  You might email me at:

    As to your question re land:  a lot of times, the land (which was not owned but rather let, was sub-let to a brother or other family member by the landlord, or in some cases, the landlord re-claimed the land.  It is possible that the Dwyer family was anxious to completely emigrate, which is why one of the sisters was sending passage money back to the brothers/cousins (possible).  If you have a look at the Griffith's Valuation books, most of the time (but not all) if a woman's name was listed as a tenant, she was almost always a widow.  If the widow remarried, the new husband normally took over the tenancy or title to the land.  

    Many thanks for your query.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 27th Apr 2014, 10:10AM
  • Thankyou very much Jane for following up on these family connections. I will keep checking the entries in the graveyards project.

    What a wonderful resource IrelandXO is proving to be.



    Roisin D

    Tuesday 6th May 2014, 10:54PM
  • Many thanks for your kind remarks, Roisin.  Please spread the word!



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Wednesday 7th May 2014, 03:31PM

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