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I've gathered a bit more information on my wife's Great Grandmother.

As far as we know Annie Linane was born in either 1866-1867 (the latter is the most likely) in County Clare. She came to Australia alone and married in 1890 as previously reported. She also had at least one other sister (name unknown) who migrated to Massachusetts in the USA. (I hope my spelling is correct), but we have no information as to when, or to her name or any other members of the family.

Annie Linane was unable to write but we have no information as to whether she could read. I have also come across a different spelling of the surname as Linnane. On all the documents we've seen her name is spelt with a single "n" but the writing has been done by someone else so there's a possibility that she wasn't sure herself as to how her surname was spelt. As far as her Christian name goes though everything recorded refers to her as Annie rather than Anne. There is no record anywhere of a middle name at all.

Friday 11th Oct 2013, 08:51PM

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