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Patrick and Anne M (Cannar) Hickey came to Boston Mass on  7 July1848. Both were born in Ireland. Patrick, son of Patrick and Mary, was born in 1811 or 1812. Anne, daughter of Thomas Cannar and Mary O'Day, was born 26 Nov 1821. Patrick reported that he was from County Clare and family lore says that he was from Broadford.

John and Mary's first son  Thomas M was born on Sea Street in Boston on 10 Feb 1849, seven months after they arrived in Boston.  Thomas married Catherine Donovan and they had one son, William (Bilso). He married late in life and we know of no children.


John and Mary's second son, Patrick William, was born 22 Mar 1855. He used the name William Patrick. He worked for the post office.. He married Annie Boleman in 1881and they had 11 children, not all of whom survived to adulthood. Anna Boleman, John Boleman, Mary Carroll, Sarah Reddy (d. age 13), Elisabeth (always called Bessie), Laura Ruth (d.age 10), William James (d. WWI), Raymond Boleman (d. age 3), Thomas Francis, Albert Ferdinand (my father), Walter Henry.

I would like to know where exactly Patrick and Anne came from and I would love to know if we have any relatives living in Ireland.

Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 07:39PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Terry:


    Many thanks for your query to Ireland Reaching Out.  I have had a quick look for you and there are a number of Hickey families that resided in the Broadford area during that time.  I will have a quick look at the parish registers for you next week and let you know what I find.  If you would send me your email details at, that would be great and I will forward the information to you.


    Many thanks for your interest in Ireland Reaching Out.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Saturday 25th Jan 2014, 10:29PM

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