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Looking for any information on my ggg-grandparents, William Henry NEALON/Neilan(Ireland family unkown) and Mary LYNCH. Married14 Feb 1844 per RC Records: "William Neilan of Kilmurry to Mary Lynch (Michael) of Cartyfree married in her father's house in presence of her father, John Neilan & Matilda Purtill". I know nothing of Wm's family, who is John NEILAN(?), father or brother? Mary's mother was possibly "Maggie" PURTILL, her sister Anna married Timothy BURNS, another sister married McGUANE. A brick wall in IRELAND!!!!

Thanks, Betty  

Tuesday 11th Aug 2015, 05:06PM

Message Board Replies

  • Betty:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Does the 1844 church marriage record indicate a church name. I understand the marriage was in her father's house. The RC parish will help us figure out the civil parish and then maybe we can refer your message to a local volunteer.

    By the way, I could not find a Cartyfree. The closest was Carrowfree in Kilrush parish.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 11th Aug 2015, 06:12PM
  • Hi I'm looking for information about my grandmother Sarah Lynch born in the year 1840. It is said she was born in Limerick County Clare.
    Questions I'm looking for her parents were and why she they immigrated.
    She married Frederick Cooper from Canada.

    Wednesday 19th Aug 2015, 11:54PM
  • Hi I'm looking for information about my grandmother Sarah Lynch born in the year 1840. It is said she was born in Limerick County Clare.
    Questions I'm looking for her parents and why she or they immigrated.
    She married Frederick Cooper from Canada.

    Wednesday 19th Aug 2015, 11:56PM

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