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Thomas CARRICK and his wife Julia, (nee RYAN) married on 10 February 1847 according to their daughter Ann's Birth Certificate in Victoria, Australia in when she was born in1862.

Thomas is listed as being a native of County Clare (no information known about parents) and Julia, from Kings County (parents listed as Thomas Ryan, labourer and Julia Ryan - formerly Ryan on her Death Certificate).

The place of the marriage is listed as Drumleigh. I can find no confirmed information about this location.  Thomas is listed as being 23 and Julia as being 20 when they married (confirmed on their Death Certificates).

They came to Australia on the ship "Reliance" and arrived on 19 March 1850 with their 1 year old daughter Catherine.

I would like to find out which Parish they came from and then possibly which town they lived in prior to their heading to Australia.

Monday 18th Nov 2013, 02:04AM

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